

sales force

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n.1.a group of people whose job is to sell products or services for their company

1.销售队伍 furniture/wood 家具/木材行业 Salesforce销售队伍。 Data warehouse: 数据 …

2.销售力 台湾旅游 taiwan travel 文化来源 salesforce 旅游台湾 travel taiwan ...

5.数据序列化 Database网址被屏蔽 正式发布 Salesforce 数据序列化 Salesforce 开发师的收入水平 ...

6.销售团队 Reseller 经销商 Salesforce 销售团队 Facial expression 面部表情 ...

7.赛尔斯福斯 亚马逊 Amazon 赛尔斯福斯 Salesforce 微软 Microsoft ...


1.When you think of Plaform-as-a-Service (PaaS), one of the first companies that springs to mind is probably Salesforce.当你想到“平台即服务”(PaaS)时,最早跳入你脑海的一家公司可能是Salesforce。

2.Since that user's information was available via Salesforce, a developer was able to call them to offer assistance.Salesforce提供了这名用户的信息,开发者就能联系这名用户,提供帮助。

3.Salesforce (CRM) is trying to create a platform both through internal efforts on Force. com and acquisitions (e. g. , Heroku).软件公司Salesforce也正在试图通过内部努力和收购(例如网络应用程序开发公司Heroku)打造相关平台。

4.Marc Benioff started salesforce after years of understanding the business software space by working at Oracle.MarcBenioff开始销售工作是在Oracle工作之后理解了商业软件空间的运营。

5.To open Schema Explorer in a project, double-cpck salesforce. schema in the root of your project.要打开一个项目中的SchemaExplorer,可以双击项目根部的salesforce.schema。

6.Many in Sipcon Valley expect that it's only a matter of time before Oracle scoops up Salesforce. com at a fair price.硅谷的许多公司预计甲骨文以合理价格收购Salesforce公司只是早晚的事情。

7.Salesforce allows you to interact with the server using SOAP, which has the advantage of being language and platform independent.Salesforce允许通过使用SOAP与服务器进行交互,其优势在于语言与平台相互独立。

8.Customer relationship management software company Salesforce has bought Jigsaw, according to an announcement from the company.客户关系管理软件公司Salesforce宣布已经收购名片交换网站Jigsaw。

9.As you saw in Part 1 of this series, SalesForce's Force. com cloud service uses a programming language called Apex.正如您在本系列的第1部分所见,Salesforce的Force网址被屏蔽云服务使用一种称为Apex的编程语言。

10.Japan Post is probably Salesforce. com's most well known Force. com customer win at this point.日本邮政可能是目前Salesforce网址被屏蔽在Force网址被屏蔽上赢得的最著名的客户。