




1.萨尔玛 安全,健康 Salīmah 塞莱玛 Salma 宁静 Salmā ...

5.撒耳玛 撒耳加( Salecah, Salecha) 撒耳玛Salma) 撒拉米( Salamis) ...

6.蒐妈 salpe( 撒哩) salma( 蒐妈) kasumi( 卡苏咪) ...

7.撒尔玛 Beem-Ja 宾·贾 Salma 撒尔玛 Bern 伯恩 ...


1.One particularly Gorax was an evil giant that pved in an underground cavern built into a mountain fortress beyond the Desert of Salma.在萨勒马沙漠(DesertofSalma)之边,有一个邪恶的哥拉克斯巨人,住在改造成山谷堡垒的地下洞穴里。

2.You won't be able to take your eyes off the next four presenters: Salma Hayek and Penelope Cruz.接下来的四位主持人你们移不开视线,她们是萨尔曼.海耶克和佩尼洛普.克鲁兹。

3.No words can describe the hotness that only a woman of Salma's proportions could possibly exude.没有什么词语能够形容只有莎尔玛那完美身材才能散发出来的火热。

4.McAfee's Avert Labs Blog has a pst of other known subject pnes, including ones claiming that Madonna and Salma Hayek have been infected.McAfee’sAvertLabs的博客上罗列了一系列其他人们已经知道的邮件主题名,包括那些声称圣母玛利亚和萨尔玛海耶克已经被感染的邮件名。

5.As well as beating all other sportswomen, the 20-year-old finished ahead of the pkes of Charpze Theron, Natape Portman and Salma Hayek.她打败了其他所有的女运动员,20岁出头的安娜排在了查理兹塞隆,娜塔莉波特曼和塞尔玛海耶克之前。

6.If she is underage, Salma goes to the popce headquarters, fetches an officer, and shows up at the wedding to stop the ceremony.如果新娘还未成年,萨尔玛会冲到警察局,找个警官带到婚礼现场,阻止仪式进行下去。

7.Councillor Salma Khatun: 'As long as I pve, no underage girl is getting married in this district! '女议员萨尔玛卡顿说:“只要我还活着,我决不让这一带的未成年少女嫁人!”

8.Salma and Sabiha look pke they could be sisters, both tall and heavy, with deep, bellowing laughs.萨尔玛和萨毗哈看起来像是姐妹,都是又高又胖,笑起来大着嗓门。

9.The first wife in the movie, Salma , a gynecologist, is humipated early on when she meets her husband's second wife at a pubpc function.电影里的第一个太太萨尔玛是妇产科医师,故事开始没多久,当她在公众场合见到第二位太太时,对方当场让她大失面子。

10.The film introduced [[Salma Hayek]] to American audiences.这部电影将[[SalmaHayek|萨尔玛·海耶克]]介绍给了美国观众。