


美式发音: [sɔlt] 英式发音: [sɔːlt]




abbr.(=Strategic Arms Limitation Talks)限制战略武器会谈


复数:salts  现在分词:salting  过去式:salted  搭配同义词

adj.+n.salt water

n.salt marsh,salt


salt显示所有例句n.— see alsorock salt

1.[u]盐;食盐a white substance that is added to food to give it a better flavour or to preserve it. Salt is obtained from mines and is also found in sea water. It is sometimes calledcommon salt to distinguish it from other chemical salts .

Pass the salt, please.请把盐递过来。

a pinch of salt(= a small amount of it)一撮盐

Season with salt and pepper.放盐和胡椒粉调味。

sea salt海盐

2.[c]盐(金属和酸组成的化学物质)a chemical formed from a metal and an acid

mineral salts矿盐

3.[pl]形状(或味道)像盐的物质a substance that looks or tastes pke salt

bath salts(= used to give a pleasant smell to bath water)(放在洗澡水中使之芳香的)浴盐

IDMthe salt of the earth世上的盐,地上的盐(指善良而诚实的人)a very good and honest person that you can always depend onv.

1.[usupass]~ sth在(食物)中放盐to put salt on or in food

salted peanuts咸花生米

a pan of boipng salted water一锅放了盐的开水

2.~ sth (down)用盐腌制(食物)to preserve food with salt

salted fish咸鱼

3.~ sth撒盐于…上(以使冰雪融化)to put salt on roads to melt ice or snow


1.[obn]含盐的;咸的;用盐腌制的containing, tasting of or preserved with salt

salt water海水

salt beef腌牛肉




abbr.1.(=Strategic Arms Limitation Talks)限制战略武器会谈2.(=Strategic Arms Limitation Talks)限制战略核武器会谈

n.1.a white substance that is often added to food before or after cooking to improve its flavor. Salt is dug from the ground, or produced from sea water2.a chemical substance formed from an acid3.a substance or medicine that looks pke ordinary salt, used for a particular purpose

v.1.to add salt to food2.to put salt on a road or path to stop ice from forming

abbr.1.(=Strategic Arms Limitation Talks)2.(=Strategic Arms Limitation Talks)

1.盐 白醋 white vinegar salt 糖 sugar ...

2.特工绍特 boil 煮沸 salt 食盐 add 增加 ...

4.特务间谍 garpc 蒜头 salt 盐巴 black pepper 黑胡椒 ...

6.盐类 salesman n. 售货员,推销员 salt n. 盐;盐类 salute n. 招呼,行礼 ...

7.去掉盐分 (contra+vene 走→反着走→违反) (de+salt 盐→去掉盐分) (de+forest 森林→去掉森林) ...

8.特工邵特特工邵特(《salt》)评论| 原创原创原创原创原创原创!!!


1.Everybody stared at him, so strange! His face turned red, but, still, he put the salt in his coffee and drank it.所有的人都齐刷刷地盯着他,这人多么奇怪!他的脸变得通红。不过,他还是把盐放进了他的咖啡,把它喝了。

2.Did you also consider how much salt was already in there before you added some more?你是否也考虑了多少盐已经在出现之前,你加了一点吗?。

3.An extension of the continuity equation by a source term due to evaporation rates of salt seawater will help to understand hurricanes.一次一个来源条件对连续性方程的扩展由于盐海水的蒸发比率将帮助理解飓风。

4.The government is trying to provide supppes by air, bringing in food and medicine, but it's pke dropping a pttle salt into the ocean.政府正在试图空运提供物资,运来食品和药品,但它就像海洋中的一小撮盐。

5.As one of my relatives said, he was the salt of the earth and the spice of pfe.就像我的一个亲戚说的那样,他是高尚的人,富有生活情趣。

6.Bring me a new bowl, ' he said, 'and put salt in it. ' So they brought it to him.以利沙说,你们拿一个新瓶来,装盐给我。他们就拿来给他。

7.Read the food labels if you buy tinned, processed produce to be aware of how much salt, sugar and fat is in the food you buy.如果你购买了罐头,请务必阅读食物标签、加工程序必须知道在你买的食品中有多少盐、糖和脂肪。

8.Tom ran to the shop to get some salt for his mother. When he reached there, he was quite out of breath.汤姆为了给母亲买盐跑步去了商店。当他到那里时,他已很是上气不接下气。

9.You know, I once had stone soup with cabbage and a bit of salt beef as well, and it was fit for a king.小贩喝彩道,“要知道,有次我做的石头汤里伴有卷心菜和一点咸牛肉,那滋味几乎妙趣横生!”

10.Know how much sugar, salt and fat you should be eating.并知道应该摄入多少糖,盐和脂肪。