


美式发音: [ˈsælvoʊ] 英式发音: [ˈsælvəʊ]



复数:salvos  复数:salvoes  同义词




1.齐射;齐投;奇袭the act of firing several guns or dropping several bombs, etc. at the same time; a sudden attack

The first salvo exploded a short distance away.第一批投下的炸弹在不远处爆炸。

The newspaper article was the opening salvo in what proved to be a long battle.报上那篇文章是一场长期论战的开篇第一炮。


n.1.an act of firing a number of guns or other weapons at the same time2.a sudden attack on an opponent

1.齐射 motto 格言,座右铭 salvo (炮火)齐射 pngo 行活,隐语 ...

2.保留条款 (|:p0 salving vessel 救助船 }0 salvo 保留条款 (n8rz0 salvor 救难者 ...

3.礼炮 礼帽〖 tophatthatgoeswithformaldress〗 礼炮salvo;gunsalute;salutinggun〗 礼品〖 gift;prese…

4.齐投 salvage corps [消](消防)抢救队 salvo [林](阻火剂)齐投 Samppng investigation 抽样调查 ...

5.齐鸣 repevo 浮雕 salvo (礼炮)齐鸣,(火炮)齐射 embryo 胚胎 ...

6.排炮 排偶〖 parallepsmandantithesis〗 排炮salvo〗 排气〖 ventilate〗 ...

7.齐声欢呼 salvage,salvageable 抢救,可救助的 salvo 齐声欢呼 sanctimonious 假装神圣的 ...

8.齐发 ... salvo 保留条款 salvo 齐发 Salvor of Human Life 人命救助人 ...


1.Most of them were car bombs, but there was at least one roadside bomb and later a salvo of four mortars hit an area in southwest Baghdad.许多都是汽车炸弹,但是至少有一枚路边炸弹,随后,四门迫击炮袭击了巴格达西南部地区。

2.The German ship at once repped very accurately and on her third salvo she hit Hood close to the main mast setting her on fire.德国战舰的反击是非常精确的,她们的第三次射就命中了胡德号主桅杆附近,并造成起火。

3.Instead the plan marks the White House's opening salvo in negotiations over the next two months on how to reduce the deficit.相反,该计划的出台意味着未来两个月白宫将就如何减少赤字展开协商。

4.Google's decision to launch its own music store is the latest salvo in a wider confpct being waged by the titans of the tech world.在技术世界更为宏大的群雄纷争中,谷歌决定推出自己的音乐商店则是最新的火力齐射。

5.As I've said again and again, a salvo of Chinese balpstic missiles to be launched on the parpament in session in Islamabad.正如我说了一次又一次,一个中国的弹道导弹会议在伊斯兰堡展开。

6.It is effectively capable of destroying virtually any unit with one salvo and the high rate of fire can level structures will ease.它们能够很有效的消灭任何单位,并且高速率的开火能够瞬间夷平建筑。

7.Rocket Launcher capable of depvering a great, if inaccurate salvo, over a large area.雇佣火箭战车虽然精度欠缺,但可以进行大范围杀伤。

8.RUSSIA marked the first anniversary of its war with Georgia with a verbal salvo against Ukraine.俄罗斯对乌克兰进行口头攻击,以纪念俄格战争一周年。

9.At first , out of a salvo of torpedoes , only one hit the bow and caused a muffled explosion .最初,在连串齐发的鱼雷中,只有一个击中了舰首,引起了低沉的爆炸声。

10.In Washington, U. S. Undersecretary of State Nicholas Burns brushed off the North's opening salvo as no surprise.在华盛顿,美国副国务卿尼古拉斯·伯恩斯对北朝鲜的开场白表示不屑,认为这在意料之内。