




1.一句出来以后我们的司机看出了原因,用极其简单的英语说了一句same one)。我们上了车,跟他来到一家当地人经常吃的面包 …


1.I mean, the guy who said he would try to help me find a new job is the same one who fired me.我意思是,那个人承诺帮我留心眼找份新工作的人,实际上就是炒掉我的人。

2.The stages appearing in the rest of the film seem to be the same one.再说电影中出现的其他舞台,首先,它们应该是同一个舞台。

3.I don't know if it was the same one, but I pke to think it was, that it had enjoyed my hospitapty and remembered my balcony.我不知道它是不是同一只鸟,可我宁愿这样认为,它是因感受到我的热情,才记住了我家的阳台。

4.All the same, one of the simplest steps to help ensure that the world has enough to eat in 2050 would be to scrap every biofuel target.尽管如此,确保世界2050年有足够的吃的最简单的办法之一就是,取消所有生物燃料的指标。

5.This Mary, whose brother Lazarus now lay sick, was the same one who poured perfume on the Lord and wiped his feet with her hair.这马利亚就是后来用香膏抹主,并且用头发把主的脚擦干的那人;患病的拉撒路是她的兄弟。

6.The court itself was the same one theN. C. A. A. used for its Final Four last season.球场本身是和上赛季NCAA四强赛所用的一样。

7.Did you know, that before the genocide in Rwanda the word for rape and the word for marriage was the same one?大家知道吗,在卢旺达种族灭绝发生以前,他们的语言里强奸和婚姻是同一个单词?

8.He had them sit under one of the trees, the same one beneath which he often lay , looking up into the leaves.他要他们坐在那棵树下,就是在那里,他经常躺着仰望树梢的绿叶。

9.The force shrinking the coil is the same one acting to push the coil away . Think of a hammer blow as a fair analogy of the forces involved.警队缩小线圈的是同一个代理推向线圈距离。想出一个锤击作为一个公平的比喻力量参与。

10.They sit down together on the couch. . . the same one where. . . well. . . you know.他们坐在一起在沙发上……同一个地方好…你知道。