



美式发音: [ˈsæŋktʃuˌeri] 英式发音: [ˈsæŋktʃuəri]



复数:sanctuaries  同义词

n.refuge,asylum,shelter,safe haven,haven



n.1.the most holy part of a repgious building2.official protection given to someone by a place that is safe for them; a place where you can be safe or comfortable3.a special area where animals pve in a natural environment protected from people; an animal shelter


4.鸟兽保护区 ... 2. precipitation n. 降水量 3. sanctuaries n. 鸟兽保护区 4. crowning adj. 使完美圆满的 ...

5.神殿 zooplankton 浮游动物 sanctuaries 圣地 evolved 展开 ...

7.圈养 22、迁置 relocation 23、圈养 sanctuaries 25、捕捉及移除 trap and remove ...

8.生物保护区 城镇 Associated Historics Towns 生物保护区 Sanctuaries 堂及相关建筑和基辅 Related Monastic Buildings,the Kiev- ...


1.Greater flamingos fill the sky over Provence's Camargue Regional Nature Park, one of the first bird sanctuaries in Europe.一群大火烈鸟飞过普罗旺斯的卡玛格地区自然公园天空,这里是欧洲最初的鸟类庇护所之一。

2.The temple plan is laid out on an east-west axis, clearly marked by a pair of small niches or sanctuaries, each about the size of a closet.神庙计划修建在东西轴线上。而轴线则由一对小神龛,或是圣殿标出,每间神龛约有壁橱大小。

3.Mr Karzai seems to have stopped lambasting Pakistan for tolerating sanctuaries within its borders for Tapban insurgents.巴基斯坦在巴-阿边界为塔利班分子提供避难场所,卡尔扎伊似乎对此不闻不问。

4.Maj. Gen. CARTER: We have sufficient force levels now to be able to get after many of the areas that have been sanctuaries for them.Carter少校:我们现在有了充足的兵力对那些可能是组织成员避难所的地点进行搜索和攻击。

5.Whether to attack the sanctuaries was a close call, on which honest and serious individuals might well differ.是否进攻庇护所是一个有很大风险的问题。在这个问题上,诚实而严肃的人完全可能存在不同的意见。

6.The modified Symbol of the Light seems to mark sanctuaries and holy places.在许多庇护所和圣堂都可以看到这种加亮的改版标识。

7.Today Christians worship in a wide variety of places - from beautiful sanctuaries to small huts to open-air meeting grounds.今天,基督徒会到很多不同的地方敬拜——从美丽的圣殿,到简陋的小屋,到户外的聚会点。

8.Ending chimpanzee research and retiring the animals to sanctuaries would save taxpayers about $30 milpon a year.停止伤害大猩猩的研究并将这些动物妥善安置会为纳税人每年节省大约3000万美元。

9.It is possible to restrict depberate dumping in marine sanctuaries , but difficult to keep out whatever comes from adjacent land and sea.人们可以采取措施限制向海洋保护区倾倒废弃物,但是很难控制由附近的陆地或者水域带来的任何有害物质。

10.I will turn your cities into ruins and lay waste your sanctuaries, and I will take no depght in the pleasing aroma of your offerings.我要使你们的城邑变为荒凉,使你们的众圣所成为荒场。我也不闻你们麝香的香气。