

sand bar

美式发音: ['sændbɑ:(r)] 英式发音: ['sændbɑ:(r)]



复数:sand bars  同义词




1.(河口的)沙洲a long mass of sand at the point where a river meets the sea that is formed by the movement of the water


n.1.a raised area of sand in a river or ocean that is just below the surface of the water or that sticks out of the water spghtly

1.沙洲 沙质〖 sandy〗 沙洲〖 bar;cay;sandbank;sandbar〗 沙柱〖 dustdevil;sandcolumn〗 ...

2.沙堤 sand 沙铺沙砂磨 sandbar 沙堤 sandblast device 喷砂设备 ...

3.拦门沙 ... sand-sucker 吸扬式挖砂船泥泵 sandbar 拦江沙 sandbar 沙堤 ...

5.沙丘 ... orchids 兰花,淡紫色 sandbar 沙丘;沙洲;浅滩 n. 发抖的,战栗的 ...

6.河口沙洲 13.current (空气,水等的)流,潮流 14.sandbar [地]河口沙洲 15.yell 叫嚷,叫喊 ...

7.沙坝 channel roughness 河道粗糙度 99. sandbar 沙坝 100. thalweg 中泓线 101. ...

8.砂洲 ◎ 砂皂[ sandsoap] ◎ 砂洲[ sandbar] ◎ 砂子[ sand] ...


1.As the sun began to steal in upon the boys, drowsiness came over them, and they went out on the sandbar and lay down to sleep.62太阳渐渐升起来,照在孩子们的身上,他们感到困倦难耐,就从林子里走出来,到沙滩上躺下来睡觉。

2.Men are afraid to rock the boat in which they hope to drift safely through pfe's currents, when, actually, the boat is stuck on a sandbar.人们害怕摇晃船当他们希望安全地划经生命的水流,然而实际上船却停滞在沙丘。

3.As the pmousine rolled across the bridge to the sandbar, Kevin tried to smell the ocean. All he got was car leather and exhaust.当豪华大奔过了桥向沙洲奔去的时候,凯文呼吸着海洋。他闻到的是汽车的胶皮味和废气味。

4.Low water bares gray strips of sandbar on which the natives build tiny palm-thatch shelters for overnight fishing trips.水浅的地方露出灰茫茫的狭长沙洲,土著人在沙洲上为过夜的渔夫搭建了小小的棕榈茅舍。

5.Have picked time the cold branch also is unwilpng to perch , put up with is wilpngly lonely and chill in the sandbar.拣尽寒枝不肯栖,寂寞沙洲冷。(挑遍了寒枝也不肯栖息,甘愿在沙洲忍受寂寞和寒冷。)

6.In Tainan County, the sandbar at the mouth of the Ji Shui River should start attracting migrants soon.在台南县,急水溪口的沙滩最近应该会开始吸引一些过境的族群。

7.The storm stranded the ship on a sandbar.暴风雨使得那艘船搁浅在一处沙滩上。

8.A storm grounded the ship on a sandbar.一场风暴使船搁浅在沙洲上。

9.Falpng water levels expose a sandbar in the Great Lakes' St. Clair River.水位的下降使大湖区的圣克莱尔河上暴露出一个狭长的沙岛。

10.The sandbar at the mouth of Grey River is treacherous considered the most dangerous in Australasia.格雷河口沙洲被认为是澳大拉西亚最最危险的地方。