




1.桑迪亚 Sancia 圣洁的,庄严的 女性 拉丁语 Sandia 西瓜 女性 西班牙 Sandra 人类的救助者 女性 希腊 ...


1.Mr Ritchie, too, was briefly on the Pentagon's payroll, at Sandia National Laboratory. He did not stay long, though.在桑迪亚国家实验室的Ritchie的名字曾出现在五角大楼的薪水册上,但也没呆上多久。

2.Neal Singer, based in Albuquerque, writes about science for Sandia National Laboratories. He is quite fond of his glasses.现居美国新墨西哥州阿布奎基,是山迪亚国家实验室的科学记者。他很喜欢自己的眼镜。

3.SandiaCorporation, a Lockheed Martin company, manages Sandia for the USDepartment of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration.桑迪亚公司,洛克希德马丁公司,管理桑迪亚为美国能源部国家核安全管理局。

4.To remedy that problem, Mark Grubepch and his colleagues at Sandia National Laboratory built the Improved Flash Bang Grenade.为了矫正这个问题,马克.格勒贝里奇和同事在桑迪亚国家实验室建立了闪光弹改良实验室。

5.Since 1949, Sandia National Laboratories has developed science-based technologies that support our national security.自1949年以来,Sandia国家实验室开发的基于科学的技术支持我们的国家安全。

6.TheSandia National Laboratories Corporate Archives and History Programexist to preserve, document, and disseminate Sandia's history.桑迪亚国家实验室的企业档案和历史存在的维护计划,文件,桑迪亚和传播的历史。

7.Mr Ritchie, too, was briefly on the Pentagon's payroll, at Sandia National Laboratory.里奇也曾短暂地为五角大楼工作过,在山迪亚国家实验室任职。

8.That's why Stechel, of Sandia, says the benefits of "reversing combustion" or "closing the cycle" on CO2 could be enormous.这也就是为什么,桑迪亚项目的思特奇会认为二氧化碳的“反向燃烧”和“打破循环”将使我们受益无穷。

9.Emerging technology from a company called Sandia is making the reapty that much closer来自一家名为桑迪亚(Sandia)的公司的新兴技术正在让我们离现实更接近

10.The Material and Process Sciences Center at Sandia National Lab国家级材料及加工中心