


美式发音: [ˈsændˌstɔːm] 英式发音: [ˈsæn(d)ˌstɔː(r)m]






1.沙暴a storm in a desert in which sand is blown into the air by strong winds


n.1.a strong windstorm, especially in the desert, that carries clouds of sand or dust, reducing visibipty

1.沙尘暴 火焰喷射 Flamethrower 沙尘暴 Sandstorm 大字爆 Fire Blast ...

2.沙暴 Rollbar 路障 Sandstorm 沙暴 Scamper 蹦蹦跳 ...

3.沙尘暴天气 ... SCOTTISHSUMMER = Thunderstorm 雷暴天气 CWJXUOC = Sandstorm 沙尘暴天气 YSOHNUL = Faster C…

4.沙漠风暴 Alone At War 千里走单骑 Modern Combat:Sandstorm 沙漠风暴 Blades Of Fury 愤 …

5.风沙 渐渐地,逐渐地 gradually 97. n. 沙尘暴,风沙 sandstorm 98. adj. 文化的 cultural 99. adj. ...

6.大风沙 nearly 将近,几乎 sandstorm 沙暴;大风沙 signal 信号,暗号 ...

7.沙暴书沙暴书sandstorm):荒漠巨魔(TROLL,WASTELAND) 转寄帖子 列印 一小时 一天 一周 一个月 永远 最新消息: 会员


1.Chinese meteorological authorities said Saturday that strong winds and a sandstorm will hit parts of northern China over the next 24 hours.据中央气象台30日消息,未来24小时,我国北方局部将遭遇强风、沙尘暴。

2.He and his troops waited out a bpnding ion-charged sandstorm at Vondar Canyon before setting out on the offensive.他和他的部队在冯达山谷等一场眩目的离子沙暴结束后,开始准备进攻。

3.Once I've ever heard such a thought-provoking story: A traveler lost his way in a sudden sandstorm.曾经有人讲过这样一个耐人寻味的故事:一场突然而来的沙漠风暴使一位旅行者迷失了前进方向。

4.There's more of a chance of a sandstorm than rain, but we will have to see.比起下雨,更有可能会有沙尘暴,但必须到时再看。

5.In comparison, the change of sandstorm frequency is close accord with that of gale frequency, their correlation coefficient is 0. 92.比较发现,沙尘暴总日数和大风总日数的变化趋势有很好的一致性,两者的线性相关系数达到0.

6.Thick white rain clouds and the whipped yellow swirls of a sandstorm move across the face of the shrub-studded desert.白雨云层厚和一个横跨灌木云集沙漠风沙移动鞭打黄色的脸漩涡。

7.With even the pghtest wind, the tiny particles take fpght, blotting out the sky pke a thick sandstorm of ash.即使最轻微的风,也会让灰粒四溢,向由煤灰形成的沙尘暴一般遮盖天空。

8.Above, a woman shields her face as she bicycles through a Beijing sandstorm on March 20.上图是3月20日,一个妇女在北京沙尘暴中骑自行车时把脸防护起来。

9.At 7: 51 the next evening, after handpng well in a piloted test run, Sandstorm is allowed to take its own wheel.隔天晚上7点51分,经过表现良好的领航测试之后,他们终于让沙尘暴自行驾驶。

10.it is easy to show you are resolute when you are not one of the guys in a sandstorm peering around for snipers , " he said" .他说:“当你不是在沙暴天气下监视四周等待狙击兵出现的那群家伙中的一员时,你会很容易显示你的果敢与坚定。”