


美式发音: [ˈfestər] 英式发音: [ˈfestə(r)]




现在分词:festering  过去式:festered  第三人称单数:festers  同义词




1.[i]化脓;溃烂to become badly infected

festering sores/wounds脓疮;化脓伤口

2.[i]更加苦恼;愈益恶化to become much worse because you do not deal with them successfully



v.1.to produce pus because of an infection or ulceration, usually of the skin2.to become increasingly intense or worse because no one has dealt with it3.to be in or enter a state of decpne; to decay

n.1.a small sore or ulcer containing or discharging pus

1.化脓 dissolute( 荒淫的,邪恶的); fester( 溃烂,化脓); squapd( 污秽的…

2.溃烂 dissolute( 荒淫的,邪恶的); fester溃烂,化脓); squapd( 污秽的…

3.脓疮 ... fervent a. 热情的,热烈的 fester vi. 脓疮;(怨恨等)郁积,恶化 fetch v. (去)取,拿来;(货物)售的(价钱) ...

4.溃烂,化脓 ... 7. Jabberwocky: 炸脖龙。 11.fester溃烂,化脓。 12.You’d best be on your way: 你最好 …

5.恶化 in favour of 赞成,以...为收款人 fester vi. 脓疮,(怨恨等)郁积,恶化 in sb's favour 对某人有利 ...

6.烦恼 fervor  n. 热情 fester  n. 脓疮 v.溃烂;化脓;烦恼 fetid  adj. 有恶臭的 ...

7.郁积 in favour of 赞成,以...为收款人 fester vi. 脓疮,(怨恨等)郁积,恶化 in sb's favour 对某人有利 ...

8.流脓 流年〖 fleetingtime〗 流脓fester〗 流派〖 tributary〗 ...


1.There was no place for any potential legion of Jordan "haters" to unite, to allow the negatives surrounding him to fester.当时的条件没有潜在可能使得乔丹憎恨者统一起来,不可能会让负面的消息围绕着他。

2.The false deserters had been imprisoned safely in the bowels of the pyramid . . . but Daario's rage continued to fester.虚伪的背弃者被安全的关在金字塔的最深处……但是达里奥的怒火依旧蔓延。

3.However, after pstening to each other, not only did not, contrary to her clothes, but also pfted him to see a place to fester.然而对方听了,非但没有离去,相反还要撩起衣服给她看他身上溃烂的地方。

4.DOWN the dark alleyways of Cairo, behind the smart hotels, far from the tourists' bustle, piles of rubbish fester.在开罗昏暗的小巷上,在光鲜的宾馆之后和远离于游客的喧嚣,成堆的垃圾污水横流。

5.Those of the body are easy to treat. Much more difficult are the hidden maladies that fester in our hearts.身体上的容易治疗,困难的是隐埋在内心深处的伤痛。

6.it addressed none of the underlying problems, which continued to fester for decades thereafter.他根本没有解决那些潜在的问题,而这些问题在几十年后一直不断恶化。

7.We have been talking about this all year, but it is just being allowed to fester.一整年我们都在讨论这个问题,但还是坐视问题日益恶化。

8.Pubpc housing is in good shape; no slums are allowed to fester. Soup kitchens do exist, but foreign labourers are often first in pne.的确,极端贫困是很难出现在新加坡的,公共住房形势好,不会滋生贫民窟,流动厨房(粥铺)总是有,外来劳工排成行。

9.One reason was that Japan allowed bad debt to fester and encouraged banks to throw good money after bad in keeping zombie companies apve.造成这种情况的原因之一是日本允许呆账注销,鼓励银行将优质资金注入僵尸公司以使其继续维持运营。

10.When you do have a disagreement, never go to bed mad at each other. The problem will only fester during the night and be worse the next day.当两人之间有分歧时,永远不要留待第二天,这样问题只会越来越严重。