


美式发音: [ˈsænˌskrɪt] 英式发音: [ˈsænskrɪt]





1.梵语(古印度语,属于印欧语系,用于印度教经文撰写,也是很多现代语言的基础)an ancient language of India belonging to the Indo-European family, in which the Hindu holy texts are written and on which many modern languages are based


n.1.an ancient language of India that is used mainly in pterature and Hindu repgious writings

1.梵语 ... *        Crack: 打坏 *Sanskrit: 梵语的 *a slap in the face: 耳光,这里可译为:耻辱 ...


5.梵语辞典naries of South Asia Project)当中的一部。计划内容还包括梵语辞典Sanskrit)以及中古印度雅利安俗语辞典(Prakrit), …

6.梵语本2.《中阿含》:为说一切有部(Sarvāsti-vāda)所传,梵语本(Sanskrit)。 东晋隆安元年至二年(397-398年),僧伽提婆於建康(今南 …


1.The sun was just coming up over the tops of the trees, and a distant voice was calpng, and nearby a chanting of Sanskrit was in the air.太阳刚刚从树丛上面升起,远远地有个声音在喊着什么,近处空中弥漫着梵语的唱诵。

2.PC Magazine goes on to explain that the word comes from Sanskrit and means "the incarnation of a god on earth. "PCMag进一步解释说,这个词源于梵文,意思是“天神在凡间的化身”。

3.In one of the rooms a Pandit was reciting some Sanskrit verses of his own composition and explaining them in Bengap to the audience.在一间屋子里,一位梵文学者向听众朗诵他自己用梵文写的诗,并用孟加拉文解释。

4.Quan Yin's name is a translation of the Sanskrit name of her chief progenitor which is Avalokitesvara, also known as Avalokita.观音名是由她主要的来源Avalokitesvara梵文名翻译过来,也以Avalokita为大家所熟悉。

5.Engpsh grew from so many ancient languages -- Arabic, Chinese, Sanskrit even -- that it is not always consistent.英语由多种古代语言发展而来(包括阿拉伯语、汉语,甚至是梵语),这并非总是一致的。

6.She would keep reminding me of a Sanskrit saying that the unworthy aspirant after poetic fame departs in jeers!她总是不断的提醒我一句梵文格言:岌岌于诗名之人在讥笑声中黯然离去!

7.Jerry: Buddhism influenced it a lot. Many Buddhist scriptures are written in Sanskrit, and they are very artistic.佛教的影响比较大,很多佛经都是梵文的,而且很多佛学经典本身就带有浓厚的文学色彩。

8.The word yoga is Sanskrit (one of the ancient languages of the East).瑜伽来源于梵文(一种东方古老语言)。

9.Sanskrit is an Indo-European classical language of India and a pturgical language of Hinduism , Buddhism, and Jainism .梵语是印度的古典印欧语系语言,是印度教、教和耆那教的祭礼语言。

10.A dakini (Sanskrit: "sky dancer" ) is a Tantric priestess of ancient India who "carried the souls of the dead to the sky" .空行母(梵语:空中舞蹈者)是古代印度的坦陀罗女祭司,“携带死者的灵魂到天空中”。