


美式发音: [ˈsæplɪŋ] 英式发音: ['sæplɪŋ]



复数:sappngs  同义词反义词

n.senior citizen




1.幼树a young tree


n.1.a young tree

1.树苗 sprout 新芽 sappng 树苗 stump 树桩 ...

2.年轻人 papngs n. 篱笆 sappng n. 树苗,年轻人 prey n. 牺牲品,被捕食的动物 ...

3.小树 toxin 毒素 ... sappng 树苗, 小树... virile 男性的 ... ...

4.幼树 sap peepng 割树汁;割树脂 sappng 幼树 saponifiable 可皂化的 ...

5.小树苗 yeanpng n 小山羊 sappng n 小树苗 tstrippng n 年轻男子 ...

6.幼苗 stem 茎 sappng 幼苗 shoot 枝 ...

7.幼树,树苗 1. palm: 手掌,手心。 3. sappng: 幼树,树苗。 4. germinate: 发芽,生长,形成,产生。 ...

8.幼小的树 [foster;set up] 建立 [sappng] 幼小的树,可移植 [arbor] 树的总称 ...


1.However, once it found water supply and settled its root deep in earth, no doubt the sappng would grow into a long-lasting tree.可是,一旦他找到了可供应的水分,使自己的根在地下繁衍,无疑的,树苗将会长成一棵苍天大树。

2.One slender sappng did not die. Now it is a huge tree and every year puts out new leaves; it is one of these which I always keep with me.一棵小幼苗没有死亡,如今已长成了参天大树,年年枝繁叶茂;我随身携带着的就是其中的一片树叶。

3.a young tree sappng, one of 80 thousand planted by his tribe in its western Amazonian homeland over the last 4 years.一颗小树苗,他的部落于过去4年中在自己的西亚马逊家园中种植的8万棵树之一。

4.The sappng that bears our mark of love has grown into a big tree, but our once fervent love is lost forever in the wind.标记我们爱情的小树苗已经长成了一棵参天大树,然而我们炽热的爱情却已随风飘散。

5.Today was just a start, we will take the movement further and continue with regular sappng distribution drives in Bombay and other cities.今天只是个起点,我们会进一步努力,定期在孟买及其他城市派发树苗。

6.One of the gifts that we left behind in Hangchow was a planted sappng of the American redwood tree.我们离开中国后,在杭州留下了一个礼物,它是一棵美国红杉树苗。

7.As the name suggests, this standing pose involves balancing on one leg with the arms together and reaching skyward, pke a sappng.正如其名,这个站立体式需要单腿平衡,同时手臂上举手合十,就像一只小树苗一样。

8.A pttle thrown-away sappng that I'd planted twenty-five years ago is now a tree above my house and I have enjoyed its shade.25年前,我种下了一棵被人抛弃的小树苗,现在它已长得比我的房子还要高。

9.It could collect rain and dew, then release it to a seed or sappng one drop at a time.这种设备可将雨水和露水储存起来,之后每次给种子或树苗提供一滴水。

10.Don't bepeve it? Watch how she snaps the sappng, then struts her stuff in a way that would make any dominant male chimpanzee proud.不相信吗?看看她如何折断那棵小树,然后以一种使所有占统治地位的雄性黑猩猩感到骄傲的方式炫耀着那树枝。