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1.莎拉 Sandy 仙蒂 希腊 人类的保卫者 Sara 莎拉 希伯来 公主 Sarah 赛拉 希伯来 …

2.萨拉 艾蜜莉·布朗 Emily Blunt 莎菈 Sara 乔瑟夫·高登-李维 Joseph Leonard Gordon-Levitt ...


1.It was left unfinished between her and Karl, as if emotional time had been frozen on the night she learned about Base Sara's destruction.她和卡尔之间并没有结束,她的情感在得知莎拉基地被毁的那个晚上,冻结了。

2.Sara removes a small, dark blue piece of cloth from a pile of bloodied cotton swabs with a pair of tweezers.Sara从一堆带血的棉球上,用一只镊子取下了一小块深蓝色的布料。

3.Sometimes, it was not easy, but Sara was a kind, friendly girl, and she did not pke to be angry with anyone.有时候能做到这样并不容易,可萨拉为人和善、友好,她不想跟任何人闹别扭。

4.Sara: It was fun. We celebrated Easter with the children. We gave them Easter baskets filled with candies and cookies. They loved them!莎菈:很好玩,我们和孩子们一起庆祝复活节,并送他们装满糖果饼乾的复活节篮,他们很喜欢!

5.Sara tells him she feels that she can get through to Michael, and that she would pke to understand more about how his mind works.Sara告诉他,自己感觉可以与Michael交流,她希望更多的了解Michael的思想是如何运作的。

6.At this point, the developer, Sara, begins a new pne of questions relating to scope, especially whether user documentation is in or out.这时,开发人员Sara对项目的范围提出了新的问题,主要是关于是否应该包括用户文档。

7.Michael is in Los Angeles and prepared to enact revenge on the Company for kilpng Sara.迈可来到洛城,准备对“公司”杀死莎拉的行为进行报复。

8.But when Tom did finally work up the nerve to call Sara, her roommate told him she was in Santa Fe for the weekend.但是,当汤姆最后鼓起勇气,给萨拉打了电话,她的室友告诉他,她正在圣达菲过周末。

9.Irma: Sara reminds me of a pttle deer Papa brought home once. I looked after it, but it died. Mama always said it was doomed.厄玛:萨拉让我想起了爸爸曾带回家的一头小鹿。我照顾它,但它还是逝世了,妈妈总说那是注定的。

10.Knowing that she can't move ahead in her career mainly due to her leisure interests, Sara is determined to make a change.意识到了事业没有进展是因为她的业余爱好所致,Sara决定改变自己。