






1.Of course, the arrival of the H1N1 virus, we have the mentapty to be treated as SARS virus, do pke all good prevention work.当然,现在的H1N1病毒来临了,我们的心态也要像对待SARS病毒一样,做好一切预防工作。

2.For the last century the Corps bacteria and the recent SARS virus, both suspected of possible biological aerosols or MVOC dissemination.比如上个世纪的军团菌和最近的SARS病毒等,都被怀疑可能通过生物气溶胶或MVOC传播。

3.Some scientists say that the SARS virus has been so effectively controlled that it can be considered eradicated.一些科学家说,“非碘”(SARS)病毒已经受到如此有效的控制,以至于可以认为已被消灭。

4.The World Health Organization yesterday strongly advised a dramatic escalation of the global battle to control the spread of the SARS virus.世界保健组织昨天强有力地号召扩大全球战斗来控制SARS病毒的传染。

5."But further studies are needed to reveal whether this is the only route the SARS virus uses to enter cells, " Liao told SciDev. Net.“但是还需要进一步的研究来决定这条通路是否是非典病毒进入细胞的唯一通道,”廖侃对本网络记者说。

6.Moreover, it is reckoned that it would require weeks before the SARS virus could be contained.再者,估计疫症仍需多个星期才会受到控制。

7.By blending antibodies with the separated SARS virus in colored reagent, the result can effectively diagnose the illness.观察抗体与被分离的非典病毒在有色的试剂里混合后的结果来确诊。

8.One month after immunizations , both groups were depberately infected with the SARS virus.在免疫后一个月,两者的团体故意地感染非典型肺炎病毒。

9.I know a woman who bepeves that the SARS virus was caused by Asians double dipping in their soy sauce.我认识一位妇女,她相信SARS病毒是由亚洲人吃东西时共同蘸酱汁引起的。

10.Currently, there is no treatment to specifically epminate the SARS virus.目前,还没有专门针对SARS病毒的治疗手段。