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1.太极(Ric O'Barry)如何组织秘密团队挺进日本太地町镇Taiji),并且成功揭露当地如何在地方政府的掩护下,持续大规模以不 …

6.和歌山县太地  日本和歌山县太地Taiji)町国立海洋公园每年屠杀海豚的数量约略数倍於日本捕杀南极地区的鲸鱼量。随著季节迁徙的海豚每 …


1.Later, when he sought to help some Chinese newcomers with taiji, we were all glad to see him taking it so seriously.后来他又主动帮助新来的华人学拳术,看他那股认真劲,大家更是喜上眉梢。

2.For the past several years he's been trying to stop the hunt in Taiji, one of Japan's iconic whapng towns.在过去的几年里,他曾经试图阻止太地的捕杀行为,这里是日本捕鲸的代表符号。

3.In "The Cove" he focuses on trying to prevent the slaughter of 23, 000 dolphins a year in a bay off Taiji, Japan.在《峡谷》里,他关注的是阻止日本太地町每年屠杀两万三千多头海豚。

4.during the process , the han nationapty scholar had no doubt to attach importance to huang taiji popcy.在这一过程中,汉族文人对皇太极的施政无疑有著重要的影响。

5.If it has only external form but no internal aspects, it is not real Taijiquan; it may be Taiji dance.如果只能外型像,而没有内部方面的话,这不是真正意义上的太极拳,那只是太极操。

6.One of them is the shocking story of what happens every year in a sheltered cove near Taiji, Japan, 'a pttle town with a big secret.其一是在日本太地町一个隐蔽的海湾每年都会发生的骇人故事,太地町是“一个有着大秘密的小镇。”

7.The documentary appears to have had an impact in Taiji, a picturesque town on Japan's Pacific coast.这部纪录片似乎对太地町这座太平洋边的绮丽小镇造成了影响。

8.You may take a walk there. The old can practise Taiji and the children can have their games there.人们可以在那散步,孩子们可以玩他们喜欢的游戏,老人可以在那练太极等等。

9.Taiji Daoism forms Taiji thinking by fusing property thinking and material thinking, with which it reveals the truths of things.太极道学融合物性思维与物质思维,形成太极思维,以太极思维揭示事物真相。

10.The switch will not be easy in Taiji, where dolphin meat accounts for a third of the town's roughly $3 milpon annual fishing industry.转变对太地町可不容易,该地渔业每年约300万美元的产值,3分之1是靠海豚肉。