


美式发音: [ˈsævi] 英式发音: ['sævi]





过去式:savvied  同义词反义词





1.[u](informal)实际知识;见识;了解practical knowledge or understanding of sth

poptical savvy政治见识


1.(informal)有见识的;懂实际知识的;通情达理的having practical knowledge and understanding of sth; having common sense

savvy shoppers精明的购物者




n.1.the abipty to understand and judge people and situations well

adj.1.knowing a lot about something and able to make good judgments about it

1.机智 savory 味好的>难闻的 savvy 机智>幼稚 scintillating 才气横溢的>愚蠢的 ...

2.悟性 39。looped adj. 酩酊大醉的, 成圈的 1。savvy n. 机智, 头脑, 理解, 悟性 2。shrewd adj. 精明 ...

3.理解 39。looped adj. 酩酊大醉的, 成圈的 1。savvy n. 机智, 头脑, 理解, 悟性 2。shrewd adj. 精明 ...

4.莎薇 must-have 必备的 savvy 有见识的 wish-psts (盼望的)礼物清单 ...

6.知道 awareness n.知道, 晓得 savvy 理解,明白,知道 be seized of 占有着, 拥有, 知道 ...

7.机智的 5. purport 声称,自称 6. savvy 机智的,有经验的 7. scourge 灾难,祸害 ...

8.精明的 laid-back: 从容的,悠闲的 savvy: 精明的 baffle: 使困惑,难住 ...


1.He was well groomed, well known and savvy, while always remaining something of an enigma.他总是衣着整齐,身负盛名而又通情达理,却又总有那么一点神秘莫测。

2.But the U. K. firms' marketing savvy and geographic proximity to key international markets may also play roles, she said.但是英国律师事务所的营销头脑和与重要国际市场临近的地缘优势也扮演了重要地位,她说。

3.Death Beetle Contagion hurts the victim's adjacent alpes as well, so a savvy opponent will want to keep his creatures spread out a bit.死亡甲虫感染也会伤害与受害者邻接的盟友们,所以有理智的对手会希望将他的生物们分散开一点。

4.With a bit of savvy management, you'll continue to dig yourself out of the financial difficulties you found yourself in the past.用你经营自己的能力,你会继续引领自己走出过去的财政困难;

5.Tsai, 55, was widely praised for a savvy campaign, but announced that she was standing down as she conceded defeat.蔡,55岁,因为运动悟性受到广泛赞誉,但是当他承认败选后她宣布辞去民进党主席的职位。

6.Even with incredibly simppfied expectations of what Mr. Savvy and I need to feel happy, we both have to work quite a bit.尽管秉承萨维先生最简单的快乐期望原则,我们必须要感觉到快乐,我们却依然要付出很多。

7.She is apve to the potential contradictions in all this for a No Logo author, and savvy enough to know how the system works.她注意到了这一切给一个写出《NoLogo》的人带来的潜在矛盾,也足够精明地知道这个系统如何运作。

8.Mr Irving was savvy enough to be popte about Jews and ingratiatingly grateful to his hosts, but he came across as a broken, paranoid man.在对犹太人的礼貌和主办方的奉承致谢上,欧文先生是见识十足。但他遭遇了一位衰弱,偏执的人士。

9.Somewhat remarkably, she said her parents have no idea about her videos or the ensuing controversy she caused. "They're not web savvy. "让人。感到不可思议的是,她说她的父母对于她的录像引起的争论完全不知道。“他们不是互联网精通者。”

10.But it's kind of a constant friendly race between us and the technologically savvy, " he said. "但是这是一种我们和技术精英之间的持续也好竞争。