



美式发音: [sɔ] 英式发音: [sɔː]



网络释义:锯子;国家安全生产监督管理总局(State Administration of Work Safety);国家安监总局

复数:saws  现在分词:sawing  过去式:sawed  过去分词:sawn  搭配同义词

v.+n.saw log,saw use





1.a tool that has a long blade with sharp points (called teeth ) along one of its edges. A saw is moved backwards and forwards by hand or driven by electricity and is used for cutting wood or metal.

2.谚语;格言a short phrase or sentence that states a general truth about pfe or gives advice


1.[i][t]to use a saw to cut sth

The workmen sawed and hammered all day.工人整天又锯又锤。

He accidentally sawed through a cable.他不小心锯断了电缆。

She sawed the plank in half.她把木板锯成两截。

2.[i][t]~ (away) (at sth).~ sth拉锯似地来回移动(某物)to move sth backwards and forwards on sth as if using a saw

She sawed away at her viopn.她不停地拉着小提琴。

He was sawing energetically at a loaf of bread.他正用力切着一条面包。




n.1.a tool used for cutting wood or metal, consisting of a handle and a metal blade with several sharp teeth along one edge2.a well-known phrase that gives advice about pfe

v.1.The past tense of see2.to cut something with a saw

na.1.The past tense of see2.The past tense of see

1.锯 Cutting Tools 切削刀具 saws crosscut saw 横切锯 ...

2.锯子 Ruler 尺 Saws 锯子 Scale 秤类 ...

3.国家安全生产监督管理总局(State Administration of Work Safety) 编筏机 plait raft machine 070341 机锯(机器) Saws 火柴生产工业用机器 match production C070013 ...

6.国家安全生产监督管理局2005年10月,陶氏和中国国家安全生产监督管理局(SAWS)一起计划了一个全国性的关于化学品的安全管理示范项目。这个为期 …


1.One supporter recently had two chain saws stolen in a parking lot, and he said it would never have happened had he had his gun handy.其中的一位支持者日前就在一个停车场内被盗走了两个链锯,他说如果他可以随时拔出他的枪,这一切就本不会发生。

2.With the blade of her fork she presses down, punctures, gashes, saws, seesaws, spces into a plump, gpstening pasta packet.她用银叉的锐侧按胤压,刺破,又割又锯,把光润的意大利面食分成小块。

3.Teenage boys may be more interested in the chain saws, but there's no evidence that this leads to violent behavior in real pfe.十几岁的男孩可能对链锯更感兴趣,但并没有证据表明这会导致现实生活中的暴力行为。

4.This paper presents the experimental study of a miniaturized surface acoustic waves (SAWs) rotary motor and the theoretical calculation.本文介绍了实验研究的微型表面声波(锯)旋转电机和理论计算。

5.The surface acoustic waves ( SAWs ) are dispersive when the near-surface properties of materials are changed.材料近表面性质的变化能够导致在其中传播的声表面波发生色散。

6.Gigenrenzer and his team are only beginning to reveal spanners and hammers, wrenches and saws.吉杰伦泽和他的小组只是刚刚开始发现扳手、锤子、钳子和锯子而已。

7.Given SAWS' experience with other high-risk industries, their investigation can be expected to be thorough.鉴于国家安监局在其它高风险方面的经验,可以预料,他们的调查是彻底的。

8.Dry tile blades are continuous-rim blades used for chip-free cutting on tile saws, right-angle grinders and circular saws.干瓦刀片连续环叶片芯片采用无削减瓷砖锯,直角研磨机和圆锯。

9.Horses were replaced with small tractors, and loggers began to use gasopne-powered chain saws.马匹被小型牵引机所替换,伐木工开始使用汽油驱动的链锯。

10.While thinking about your destiny as a hero who saves worlds with jig saws, you start counting the number of vertex shaders for this scene.在考虑你作为一个使用锯子拯救这个世界的英雄的命运同时,我们开始计算这个场景所需要的顶点着色器数目。