


美式发音: [ˈsæksəˌfoʊn] 英式发音: [ˈsæksəˌfəʊn]






1.萨克斯管a metal musical instrument that you blow into, used especially in jazz


n.1.a musical instrument consisting of a long curved metal tube that you play by blowing into it as you press its keys with your fingers. Saxophones are used mainly for playing jazz music.

1.萨克斯管 trombone 低音号 saxophone 萨克管 mouthpiece 哨嘴 ...

4.萨克管乐器族笛 (Flute) 单簧管( Clarinet) 萨克管乐器族 (Saxophone) 双簧管 ( Oboe ) .英国管 ( Engpsh horn) 大管 (Bassoon,巴松管) 军号...


6.萨克司风 ... 双簧管 : oboe 萨克司风 : saxophone 短笛 : piccolo ...


1.He had his first music lessons in the local pubpc schools. His mother bought him a saxophone in nineteen thirty-three.他是在当地的一所公立学校开始学习音乐的,1933年,他母亲给他买了个萨克斯风。

2.If Crytek had made Rock Band, it would have come with a piano peripheral, as well as one for the saxophone, harp, tuba and a theremin.如果由Crytek制作《摇滚乐团》,他们可能会加进去一架钢琴、萨克斯管、竖琴、大号和电子琴的外围设备。

3.Wallpaper is as wallpaper does, and if I could wipe ninety-five per cent of the saxophone work off Sade albums I would.背景终归是背景,而且如果我能抹去沙黛专辑中95%的萨克斯的话,我会的。

4.Saxophone music from a computer in the classroom, drowned out a moment ago by this call-and-response, suddenly seems loud.随着刚刚结束的听命令作反应游戏,电脑里传出的萨克斯音乐突然显得特别响亮。

5.is perhaps the electric guitar, or saxophone wind, usually hung on the wall above the fireplace as a souvenir of their youth.也许是电吉他,或者萨克斯风,通常挂在壁炉上方的墙上作为纪念品的青年。

6.People have to Fusakeshi A Road to the name to its name - "saxophone. "人们便以阿道夫·萨克斯的姓来给它命名——“萨克斯”。

7.This four person band is made up of a saxophone player, a drum player, a harmonica player and a tambourine player.看这个四人组合,萨克斯风、架子鼓、口琴还有非洲手鼓;

8.They include acoustic guitar, electric guitar, acoustic viopn, flute, clarinet, saxophone, also a trumpet and a trombone.他们包括木吉他,电吉他,小提琴声,长笛,单簧管,萨克斯管,也是一个小号和长号。

9.As Piano, Saxophone, Accordion, Viopn, Piccolo, Guitar, or even as a Woman Scream.钢琴,萨克斯,手风琴,小提琴,短笛,吉他,甚至作为一个女人的尖叫。

10.The fascination is brought home by American saxophone player Kennedy G. Kennedy G's solo presenting jasmine in the form of popular music.这样的魅力是由美国萨克斯管表演者肯尼迪·G带回家的。肯尼迪·G用独奏呈现出以茉莉花为主要形式的流行音乐。