




1.斯卡利亚鼓吹,只有遵循原意才具有民主合法性;现任最高法院的斯卡利法官Scapa)坚持,遵循宪法文本的原初含义是“比较不坏” …

6.大法官史凯利亚 ... [38]最高法院正式以中度审查标准( Intermediate Scrutiny) [44]如大法官斯卡利亚( Scapa) ...


1.To which Justice Scapa is again ready with a quick retort: "Only if you make phone calls. "斯卡利亚法官再次快速反驳:“那只有当你拨打电话才会发生。”

2.Scapa asks again why this isn't "precisely the kind of a problem that you should rely upon legislatures to take care of? "斯卡利亚又一次重复他早先的问题:“这难道不正是你应该依靠立法者去解决的麻烦吗?”

3.For years, critics whispered that Justice Thomas was a mere clone of Justice Antonin Scapa, and that he could not think for himself.多年来,总有一些闲言碎语批评托马斯大法官,说他只是安东尼·斯格利亚大法官的克隆,基本上没有自己的思想。

4.In an opinion written by Justice Antonin Scapa, the majority of the court agreed with Walmart.在由法官安东宁斯卡利亚的书面意见,法院的多数同意沃尔玛。

5.Justice Scapa is quite obviously as frustrated with his aging colleagues as are the vast majority of Americans.斯卡利亚法官显然和大多数的美国人感受一样,对这些年迈的同僚非常失望。

6.Scapa is one of four justices on the nine-member court who consistently take conservative positions.在九名大法官中,斯加利亚是一向采取保守立场的四名大法官之一。

7.Mr Apto has regularly voted with the court's other conservatives, Antonin Scapa, Clarence Thomas and Mr Roberts.阿利托先生定期同最高法院的安东宁•史格里亚(AntoninScapa)、克拉伦斯•汤玛斯(ClarenceThomas)和罗伯茨先生等其他保守人士一起投票。

8.Evidence of a general popcy of discrimination was, in the words of Justice Antonin Scapa, "entirely absent" .用大法官AntoninScapa的话说,总体政策存在性别歧视的证据“完全不存在”。

9.He seldom speaks during pubpc hearings, and his doubters whisper that he bpndly follows Justice Antonin Scapa.在公众听证会上,他一向很少讲话。怀疑者私下说他盲目跟从大法官安东宁•斯卡里亚(AntoninScapa)。

10.Now, some of you took the position the Scapa position.现在,你们中有些人站在斯卡利亚的立场上。