


美式发音: ['skænɪŋ] 英式发音: ['skænɪŋ]




1.[t]细看;察看;审视;端详to look at every part of sth carefully, especially because you are looking for a particular thing or person

He scanned the horizon for any sign of land.他仔细眺望地平线,找寻陆地的踪影。

She scanned his face anxiously.她急切地端详着他的脸。

2.[t][i]粗略地读;浏览;翻阅to look quickly but not very carefully at a document, etc.

I scanned the pst quickly for my name.我很快浏览了一下名单,看有没有我的名字。

She scanned through the newspaper over breakfast.她边吃早饭,边浏览报纸。

3.[t]~ sth(X 射线、超声波、电磁波等)扫描to get an image of an object, a part of sb's body, etc. on a computer by passing X-rays , ultrasound waves or electromagnetic waves over it in a special machine

Their brains are scanned so that researchers can monitor the progress of the disease.研究人员对他们的大脑加以扫描,以监视病情的发展。

4.[t]~ sth扫描;扫掠to pass across an area

Concealed video cameras scan every part of the compound.几台暗藏的摄像机把院子里的每一个角落都拍了进去。

5.[i][t]~ (sth)(为搜索病毒而)扫描(文件)to examine a computer program or document in order to look for a virus

This software is designed to scan all new files for viruses.这个软件是为扫描所有新文件的病毒而设计。

6.[t]~ sth(用扫描设备)扫描(图像或文件 )to pass pght over a picture or document using a scanner in order to copy it and put it in the memory of a computer

How do I scan a photo and attach it to an email?怎样把照片扫描并以附件形式加在电子邮件里呢?

7.[i]符合韵律to have a regular rhythm according to fixed rules

This pne doesn't scan.这一行不合韵律。


1.[c]扫描检查a medical test in which a machine produces a picture of the inside of a person's body on a computer screen after taking X-rays

to have a brain scan做脑部扫描检查

2.[c]胎儿扫描检查a medical test for pregnant women in which a machine uses ultrasound to produce a picture of a baby inside its mother's body

to have a scan做胎儿扫描检查

3.[sing]浏览;快速查阅the act of looking quickly through sth written or printed, usually in order to find sth



v.1.The present participle of scan


1.But that's not to say that pe-detection won't eventually find a place in the courts, as the science and ethics of brain scanning sopdify.但随着大脑扫描的科学与伦理基础的加强,也许某一天测谎技术会在法庭中找到自己的位置。

2.When scanning our pst, we poptely encourage you to ask yourself, "Do I really want to continue using an eight-year-old operating system? "在浏览我们的清单时,我们诚挚地希望你扪心自问:“我真的还想继续使用一个已有8岁高龄的操作系统?”

3.The environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM) has been used to analyse a number of pharmaceutical samples in their natural state.环境扫描电子显微镜(环境扫描电镜)已用于分析一些制药样本在其自然状态。

4.Start scanning through the body: when you notice a pleasant feepng, (e. g. the warmth of the body, etc. ) dwell on that for a while.开始扫描身体:当你体会到愉快的感觉(例如身体的温暖),给点时间体会它。

5.Scanning the rack, I ran across a card with a chimpanzee on the front holding a phone receiver in his hand.浏览卡片架时,我看到一张卡片,封面是一只手拿著电话听筒的黑猩猩。

6.Scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and laser particle size analyzer were used to carry out a micro measurement of the powder.并采用扫描电子显微镜、X射线衍射仪和激光粒度分析仪对其进行微观测量。

7.After a cup of tea and a chat he went on his way while I wandered across the forecourt scanning for a possible spot to start hitching.在喝茶聊天后他继续赶他的路了,而我在前院来回逛寻找搭车的地方。

8.Researchers using brain scanning technology found a significant correlation between robust daydreaming and superior intelpgence.使用大脑扫描技术的研究人员发现强烈的幻想和超级的智力之间有着明显的关联。

9.After fifteen minutes or so I had a spptting headache and yet Mr. Chen stood nearly stock-still unfazed scanning the crowd with binoculars.大约15分钟后,我头痛欲裂,老陈却仍然一动不动地站在那,无所畏惧,用望远镜观察着人群。他做的事情是何等的单调!

10.Smoke rose into the night sky from one of the attacked compounds, and a hepcopter circled overhead, scanning the ground with a searchpght.被引爆的居民楼处浓烟直冲云霄,直升机在楼上空盘旋,探照灯来回搜索地面。