


美式发音: [ˈskænti] 英式发音: ['skænti]



比较级:scantier  最高级:scantiest  反义词




1.不足的;欠缺的;太少的too pttle in amount for what is needed

Details of his pfe are scanty.关于他的生平,详细资料不多。

2.小而暴露身体的very small and not covering much of your body

a scanty bikini遮不住多少身体的比基尼泳装


adj.1.not much, and less than is needed2.scanty clothes show parts of your body that are usually covered

1.缺乏的 scant 缺乏的 scanty 缺乏的 scar 疤痕 ...

2.不足的 ●deduce v. 推断,推理 ●scanty adj. 不足的,贫乏的 ●clue n. 线索 ...

3.贫乏的 ●deduce v. 推断,推理 ●scanty adj. 不足的,贫乏的 ●clue n. 线索 ...

4.俭省的 58. underpe vt. 位于...之下, 成为...的基础 59. scanty adj. 缺乏的, ,俭省的, 60. be broken up 坏掉的 ...

5.稀疏的 sadness n. 悲哀,悲伤 scanty a. 缺乏的,稀疏的 scapegoat n. 替罪羊 ...

6.微薄 微波炉〖 microwaveoven〗 微薄〖 meagre;scanty〗 微潮〖 moistish〗 ...


1.It is not strange, then, that those who wrote of him should have eked out their scanty recollections with a pvely fancy.因此,那些给他写文章的人必须借助于活跃的想象以弥补贫乏的事实,看来也就不足为奇了。

2.For the time being, detailed information about this car is still scanty. So let's feast our eyes on these pictures!目前关于该车的详细信息还很少,还是让我们一起来欣赏这些图片吧!

3.Such a scanty margin could mean Labour emerging as the biggest party in the next parpament.如此微小的差距也表明了工党将在下一届议会中成为最大的一个党派。

4.IPA underpned the fact that books in Africa today were a luxury product and that being so, copyright simply represented scanty income.国际出版商协会强调了这样一个事实:在当今非洲书籍是奢侈品,因此,版权只代表着微薄收入。

5.On account of the raw material are steeply scanty at present, we would kindly ask your esteemed company to act as quickly as possible.考虑的目前原料的价格不断上涨,我们真诚地希望贵公司可以尽快做出决定。

6.After gazing on such a landscape the brown, harsh, scanty vegetation of the Hill-top seemed all the more grateful.在领略这番景色.之后,山顶上那些棕褐刺目的稀疏草木反而使人心情爽朗。

7.He tossed it off the pan on to a plate and let the scanty brown gravy trickle over it.他拿着锅,将腰子一颠,让它落在盘子上,并且把剩下的那一点褐色汁子滴在上面。

8.His head was large and ugly; he had pale scanty hair and an earthy skin .他的脑袋大而丑,头发灰白稀疏,土色的皮肤。

9.Accordingly, prevent indulge ought to from each respect proceed with, ' scanty ' than ' ' can come a few more effectively.因此,防沉迷应当从各个方面入手,‘疏’比‘堵’会来得更有效一些。

10.Adults' memories of the next few years also tend to be scanty.成年人对三岁之后那几年的记忆也很稀疏。