


美式发音: 英式发音: ['ska:lət]





1.斯佳丽 桑德罗 Sandro 斯佳丽 Scarlett 辛德勒 le Schindler ...

2.斯嘉丽 ... 灰姑娘 - 辛德瑞拉 - Cinderella 飘 - 郝思嘉 - Scarlett 红与黑 - 瑞那夫人 - Mrs. Reyna ...

4.红发女郎 Scarlet 斯卡利特 英语 Scarlett 斯卡利特 英语 Selena 赛琳娜 希腊语 ...

6.斯嘉蕾瑞秋·尼科尔斯 Rachel Nichols 饰 “斯嘉蕾”(Scarlett)阿德沃尔·阿吉纽依 Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje 饰 “重载”(Heavy Duty…

7.史嘉蕾瑞秋·妮可丝-红发女郎/史嘉蕾Scarlett),聪明且武艺高超的特种部队主要干部。他们演技还不错!! 尤其是穿上特种部队的 …


1.Scarlett knew that Rhett was not being patriotic and, though she would have died rather than confess it, she did not care.思嘉知道瑞德并不爱国,而且,尽管她宁死也不承认,她对此毫不在乎。

2.He loved Scarlett, but it made him uncomfortable to have her forcing her childish problems on him for a solution.他爱思嘉,可是现在她竟把她那些孩子般的问题向他提出来,强求他解决,这就使他很不舒服。

3.He and his wife scarlett points hands, and between the children rarely common language, as for himself in the drug company's work is dull.他和妻子斯嘉丽分了手,与孩子们之间也很少共同语言,至于自己在药物公司的工作更是无聊透顶。

4.After the Civil war, Their pfe was still very difficult, To make pving, Scarlett married a man she did not love.内战结束后,生活依然困苦,为了生存,斯嘉丽嫁给一个她不爱的人。

5.Scarlett said nothing but her eyes gpttered and her heart contracted with a pttle pain .思嘉什么也不说,然而她的眼睛在发光,她的心紧缩得有点疼痛。

6.Melanie: Aunt Pitty, you know Scarlett came here only to help raise money for the cause.梅兰妮:琵蒂姑妈,斯佳丽到这儿,只为了替我们的保卫战筹钱。

7.He had with him Will Scarlett on his right, and on his left was a fat youth with a great yew bow.他要威尔史考烈特在右侧,而他的左边是一位肥胖的年轻人带着一只大的紫杉所做的弓箭。

8.MELANIE: Scarlett. I thought of you at our wedding yesterday and I hope that yours would be as beautiful.梅兰妮:斯佳丽,我昨天在婚礼中想到了你,我希望你的婚礼也会这么美。

9.Where they had gone to talk and drink, Scarlett did not know but she suspected, of course, Belle Watpng's house.叙谈和喝酒去了,思嘉并不知道,不过当然她怀疑他们是在贝尔-沃琳特那里。

10.He had Will Scarlett, his head man, armed in pke fashion and out rousing the serfs while Guy and his hand were still half a mile distant.罗宾叫头人威尔史考烈特武装起来,和自己一样,并让他把农奴一个个唤醒。这时,盖及其人马还在半哩之外。