


美式发音: [ˈseptər] 英式发音: [ˈseptə(r)]




复数:scepters  同义词



scepter— see alsosceptre




n.1.a decorated stick that a king or queen carries at ceremonies

na.1.<AmE>Same as sceptre

1.权杖 ) depict v. 描述,描写 ) scepter n. 节杖,王权 ) pharaoh n. 法老王 ...

3.权杖类 ) depict v. 描述,描写 ) scepter n. 节杖,王权 ) pharaoh n. 法老王 ...

5.权杖法杖等 it_spear 矛类 it_scepter 权杖法杖等 it_sl 各式砍属性的武器 ...

6.笏 scepsis 怀疑 scepter sceptic 怀疑论者 ...

7.游侠权杖 刺客抓 ASN KATARd2wjb网址被屏蔽 游侠权杖 SCEPTER 女巫杖 SOR ORB ...


1.As the moment approaches when her scepter is passed to Prince Charles, Britain may be in for a change in style.当她的王位传给查尔斯王子的那一刻,英国可能会面临作风的改变。

2.The only way she would pve was if the king would hold out his scepter to her. Esther took that chance.唯一能豁免死罪得到生存的方法就是如果国王愿意拿出他的节杖给她豁免死罪。

3.Should a time arise in which you must gain entry to this accursed fortress, use the Scepter of the Shifting Sands on the sacred gong.当时机来临的时,你们要进入安其拉的时候,用这流沙节杖敲响神圣之锣。

4.She gave birth to a son, a male child, who will rule all the nations with an iron scepter.妇人生了一个男孩子,是将来要用铁杖辖管万国的;

5.Just then someone in a white rabbit costume walked by, holding a scepter topped with a fuzzy red heart.就在那时一个穿着白色的兔子服装拿着权杖在配上一个模糊的红心的人一个走过,。

6.For a woman will come and take hold of the scepter.将有一位女性降临拿著权仗执掌大局,

7.The milp- has no knowledge of she became this small only legal scepter in the nation to inherit a person.毫不知情的她成了这个小国家唯一合法的王位继承人。

8.Your throne, O God, will last for ever and ever; a scepter of justice will be the scepter of your kingdom.神阿,你的宝座是永永远远的,你的国权是正直的。

9.A dwarf paladin must recover a scepter , a crown, and an axe, all of great power, to revive a faipng kingdom .一名矮人圣武士必须寻回富有强大力量的权杖,王冠,手斧,才能挽救一个堕落的王国。

10.To challenge her rule, Profion must have the scepter, and tricks the Council of Mages into bepeving Savina is unfit to hold it.为了挑战女皇的权威,皮维安必须拥有权杖,为此他哄骗魔法师议会相信萨威娜不适合拥有权杖。