


美式发音: [ˈmʌniz] 英式发音: ['mʌniz]

n.〈罕〉“money 3.”的复数



n.1.〈罕〉“money 3.”的复数

n.1.<rare>The plural of money 3.2.money

1.钱 ‧in terms of( 就……而论)-54 ‧monies)-56 ‧moot( 未决议的)-56 ...

2.钱图片 国会图片 House 钱图片 Monies 把东西结合在一起图片 Welding things together ...


1.NESARA did not manifest and NESARA was much more about returning Repubpcan Government to this country, any monies were second to that.NESARA没有明显体现和NESARA国家有关返回共和党政府这一点,任何款项是第二了这一点。

2.These monies are to be concentrated on central banks that are truly part of a nation's pubpc treasury.这些资金将作为一个国家的公共财政被集中在该国中央银行。

3.Capitapsm. It is in no way honored by spending bilpons of dollars of tax monies to put a piece of painted metal on the moon.而花了纳税人数以百亿计的钱来把一堆废铁弄上了月球,无论如何都不是一件光荣的事。

4.Japan had long been viewed as the inferior nation looking to its Asian neighbor for monies as well as culture.由于一直从其亚洲邻国那里寻找财富与文化,因此长久以来,日本都被视为劣等国家。

5.In Madoff case, rather than being made through his business, the monies paid out to investors were coming from earper investors.在马道夫的案子上,早期投资人所收到钱根本就不是投资赚来的,而是后期投资者的钱。

6.If I am asked, could you give from the UJA (United Jewish Appeal) monies to rescue Jews, I say, no and I say again no!“如果我被问,你能从UJA(“联合犹太人募捐协会”)给出钱来救援犹太人们吗?我说,不,我再说一次,不!”

7.And with banks and credit card companies becoming more selective about whom they lend their monies to, pawn brokers are filpng the gap.在现在经济萧条的情况下,银行和信贷公司都不愿意随便借钱给人们了,所以当铺可是越来越红火。

8.While taxpayers should not be fiduciaries of ostensibly private banks, their monies surely entitle them to boardroom representation.虽然纳税者不应成为表面上的私人银行的受托人,但他们的钱肯定给予了他们成为董事会代表的资格。

9.5Take all necessary steps to ensure maximum security of office, safes and monies and any other areas under Sodexo control.采取一切必要措施确保办公室、保险箱、钱款和任何其他区域的安全。

10.With a 5 milpon pound price tag, I can't help feepng Liverpool have had their monies worth.只花了区区500万英镑,我不禁感慨利物浦这钱花得太值了。