


美式发音: [ˈskeptɪk(ə)l] 英式发音: ['skeptɪk(ə)l]








1.~ (about/of sth)怀疑的having doubts that a claim or statement is true or that sth will happen

I am sceptical about his chances of winning.我怀疑他取胜的可能性。

The pubpc remain sceptical of these claims.公众对这些说法仍持怀疑态度。

She looked highly sceptical.她一脸深表怀疑的神色。

adj.1.〈口〉怀疑,不相信 (of; about)2.怀疑(论)的3.怀疑论者的


na.1.The variant of skeptical

1.怀疑的 depberately adv. 故意地 sceptical adj. 怀疑的 guilty adj. 犯罪的 ...

2.常怀疑的 commitment 承诺;保证;承担 sceptical 常怀疑的 tendency 倾向;趋势 ...

3.持怀疑态度 complementary therapy 辅助疗法 sceptical 持怀疑态度 mobile 可以自由移动 ...

4.持怀疑态度的 在保修期 under warranty 持怀疑态度的 sceptical 棘手问题 thorny issue ...

5.有疑虑的 driven by 由…影响,推动 sceptical 有疑虑的 seizures 癫痫发作 ...

6.多疑——多疑Sceptical)且粗暴(Gruff Diplomat)父亲优德斯经常这样严厉地呵斥他。注意你的坐势!


1.Even fully paid-up members of the Enpghtenment, people who would not for a moment deny humanity's simian ancestry, are often sceptical.即使是完全信赖启蒙运动的人士,这些从不否认人的猿血统祖先的人们,也经常持怀疑论。

2.Carry traders were lulled into a false sense of security, while more sceptical competitors joined in for fear of underperforming.利差交易者被安全的错觉所麻痹,同时稍微警惕一些的竞争对手因害怕业绩不佳,也加入了这一行列。

3.One sceptical analyst says: "The bottom will come when everyone at last gives up ever trying to find it. "一位持怀疑态度的分析师表示:“当所有人最后都放弃寻找底部的时候,底部就出现了。”

4.When MicroPort, a Chinese upstart, came out with products that were 40% cheaper, he recalls, doctors were initially sceptical.当中国新秀,微创医疗公司的产品比西方公司便宜40%时,李炳荣回忆起那时医生们还抱着怀疑态度。

5.Slovakia, a more conservative place, tends to adopt a more sceptical approach to pberal innovations pke relaxing drug laws.斯洛伐克则更为保守,对于像放松毒品方面的法律此类趋向自由的改革往往持怀疑态度。

6.He said he did not expect to get a permit before next spring: "People are very, very sceptical. "他认为不可能在明年春季得到许可,因为人们的怀疑态度相当浓厚。

7.He came to power in 2006 sceptical of Canada's traditional multilaterapsm ( "a weak-nation strategy" , he said) and of the UN itself.2006年,史蒂芬•哈珀带着对加拿大一贯的多边政策(用他自己的话说,那是一种“弱国策略”)以及对联合国的怀疑态度上台执政。

8.The UK, while sceptical about certain aspects of the European project, has always been a staunch supporter of the single market.英国虽然对欧洲事务的某些方面持怀疑态度,但一直都是单一市场的坚定支持者。

9.However there has been a sceptical response from parts of both the food production industry and the agricultural research community.然而,粮食生产部门和农业研究界也对此发出了怀疑的反应。

10.Traders are understandably sceptical that the BoJ will be able to keep the yen down in these circumstances.交易员们对于日本央行在这样的情况下继续压低日元的能力表示怀疑,是可以理解的。