



美式发音: [ˈskimə] 英式发音: [ˈskiːmə]



复数:schemata  同义词




n.1.a plan that just shows the main parts of something

1.图式 ... scheduler 调度程序 schemata 图解 schematic 原理图 ...

6.纲要用以详细记录资料库架构,例如:资料库中的纲要(Schemata)即是一种资讯本体论;(1) 上层本体论(Top-level ontology):主要 …

7.中形成图示帮助学生在脑海中形成图示(schemata),培养学生对语言材 料的预测能力,为阅读理解做好铺垫。

8.模式一个模式 (Schemata) 就是一个描述种群中在 例如: ( 即取位串的十进制数值的平方 ) 位串 适配值 x=01101 f(x)=x2 = 132 = 1…


1.I recommend that you become famipar with at least the basics of all those schemata, as a sort of foundation.我建议您至少要熟悉所有那些大纲的基础知识,以此作为基础。

2.The reader tries to make sense of the text in terms of his own schemata.读者想照着他自己的想法来理解课文。

3.But for the developer with deadpnes to mind, crafting schemata is often too much of an additional burden.但是对于谨记最后期限的开发人员,制定模式(schemata)通常会添加太多的额外负担。

4.Nevertheless, it opens up a great deal of power in expressing XML schemata.虽然如此,它却大大增强了XML模式的表达能力。

5.BE learners are adults, they are comparatively mature in cognition abipty, and are more pkely to be affected by schemata of their own.商务英语学习者是成人,他们具备成熟的认知力,更有可能受到自身已有图式的影响。

6.Eric van der Vpst set out to develop a system that allows example documents to serve as formal schemata, and his invention is Examplotron.EricvanderVpst着手开发了一种允许示例文档充当正式模式的系统,而他的创造成果便是Examplotron。

7.This set of XML schemata (in RELAX NG) is suitable for representing word processor, spreadsheet, and presentation documents.这组XML模式(位于RELAXNG)适合用来表示文字处理程序、电子表格和演示文档。

8.Specific database schemata patterns apply to multi-tenant architectures, and these must be planned for accordingly.应用于多租户架构的数据库模式可能会有不同,因此必须进行相应的规划。

9.From the perspective of intercultural communication, translation schemata can be divided into SL schemata and TL schemata.在作为跨文化交际的双语转换中,图式可分为源语图式和目标语图式。

10.Good annotations of schemata are very important, regardless of whether or not they lead to semantic transparency.无论能否带来语义透明性,为模式编写良好的注释都非常重要。