


美式发音: ['ski:mə(r)] 英式发音: ['ski:mə(r)]



复数:schemers  同义词




1.搞阴谋的人;施诡计的人a person who plans secretly to do sth for their own advantage


1.计划者 scheme 图表 schemer 计划者 schererite 板晶蜡 ...

2.阴谋家 ... reporter 记者 schemer 阴谋家 scheme 阴谋;计划 ...

3.野心家 ... 向心力[ centripetal force] 野心家[ careerist;schemer;ambitionist] 有心力[ central force] ...

4.策士 ... portraiture n. 肖像画家,肖像画,人物描写 schemer n. 计划者,阴谋家,策士 naples n. 那不勒斯(意大利) ...

5.阴谋策划者 eternity-- 永恒 Schemer—— 阴谋策划者 Miracle—— 奇蹟 ...

6.阴谋者 lynching 私刑;制裁 schemer 阴谋者 estate 地产 ...

7.计划员 schemer;Planner 计划员 He' s a schemer,and now his plot struck back 他是个阴谋家,而现在他搞的阴谋却反过来害了他自 …


1.To be "Machiavelpan" came to mean to be a sly schemer, one who hides his evil intentions behind the mask of executive necessity.“如同马基维利”意味将邪恶的意图隐藏在合理面具下的狡猾阴谋家。

2.However, he has suffered a setback and Arsenal have opted to put all plans on hold for the Czech schemer for a fortnight.然而,他的伤情出现反复,阿森纳已选择将这名捷克中场大将所有原定复出计划延后两周。

3.Liverpool have also seen a bid rejected for Blackpool schemer Charpe Adam with Ian Holloway determined to keep hold of his prize asset.同样红军还对布莱克浦的查理*亚当斯提出了一份报价,而伊恩*霍洛韦决心把此君当块宝留下来。

4.An ordinary schemer would have been content to work with a savage hound.一个普通的阴谋计划者,利用一只凶恶的猎狗也就满足了。

5.This is a schemer, he'll only back toward themselves unable to grasp the whole, his heart in his favourite local.这是个庸人,他只会背朝着自己无力掌握的整体,把心思都用在他所喜爱的局部上。

6.I'm not a schemer, I try to show the schemers. . . . . . how pathetic their attempts to control things really are.我不算个阴谋家,我是让那些阴谋家意识到,他们为掌控一切而做出的努力到底有多可悲、多可笑。

7.He always worried about the successors to become careerist and schemer due to the secret trouble about Nikita Khrushchev.“赫鲁晓夫”心结使他始终担心接班人成为野心家和阴谋家,成为修正主义者。

8.a schemer who tries to gain advantage in an organization in sly or underhanded ways.一个企图通过耍滑或秘密手段在一个机构团体中谋利的阴谋家。

9.The transition from the think schemer to an event or process schemer is also reflected in the philosophy of language.从思想系统,到事件系统的转变同样能体现在语言哲学上。

10.In a word, this unparalleled hero dies , is in the hand of schemer.总之这位盖世的英雄死在阴谋家的手里。