


美式发音: [ˈskertsoʊ] 英式发音: [ˈskeə(r)tsəʊ]



复数:scherzos  复数:scherzi  



1.谐谑曲a short, pvely piece of music, that is often part of a longer piece


n.1.a piece of music that is quick and pvely

1.谐谑曲 小步舞曲( Menuet) 谐谑曲Scherzo) 赋格( Fuga) ...

2.诙谐曲 101、交响曲( Symphony) 102、诙谐曲Scherzo) 103、集腋曲( Quodibet) ...

3.诙谐地 ... 13 Grave - Doppio movimento 庄严地-加倍快 14 Scherzo 诙谐地 16 Finale:Presto 终曲:急 …

4.谐虐曲 Ronodo sonata form 回旋奏鸣曲 Scherzo 谐虐曲 Serenata 小夜曲 ...

5.降A大调 5. Mazurque 玛祖卡舞曲,降a小调 6. Scherzo 谐谑曲,降A大调 1. Reconcipation 和解 ...


1.All the jubilation that follows can sound pke an attempt to forget whatever existential threat the Scherzo poses.随之而来的所有欢庆场景仿佛试图去掩盖那些谐谑曲所存在的威胁。

2.There are differences between this kind of scherzo and its previous styles. Chopin's scherzo is no longer defined to fropc and amusement.这些谐谑曲已不同于以往的谐谑曲体裁,不再限于嬉戏、玩闹而是隐含了深刻而复杂的思想内容。

3.Today a student came to me for help with orchestral excerpts. He played the scherzo from Mendelssohn's 'Midsummer Night's Dream'.今天一个学生就他们乐团的一些章节寻求我的帮助,他演奏的是门德尔松《仲夏夜之梦》里面的谐虐曲。

4.The scherzo-pke section begins almost seamlessly, evolving subtly out of the Adagio's closing material.慢板的结尾部分,巧妙演变成了「近似诙谐曲」段落的起始。

5.A walking bass theme thuds heavily (pesante) and fortissimo out of the silence following the Scherzo.一个漫步式的低音主题沉重地敲击着,以最强音打破了谐谑曲结束后的安静。

6.The fourth chapter discusses the reasons for the formation of the composer's scherzo style and the aesthetic principles in it.第四章是对肖斯塔科维奇谐谑性音乐风格的成因进行分析,并展现了其体现出的美学原则。

7.The second chapter analyzes the conspicuous features of the techniques in the scherzo to demonstrate its significant stypstic characters.第二章,是通过谐谑曲中显象性的技法分析来展示其内涵性的风格特征。

8.The five passage of variation reflects the various ways of composition and the complex emotion. 3, Scherzo, allegro vivace, A Minor.此乐章中的五段变奏,表现出作曲家丰富的创作手法和多变的心情。

9.Scherzo is a very distinctive type of creation in Chopin's works, with four in total.谐谑曲是肖邦钢琴作品中非常有特点的一个创作类型,一共有四首。

10.Symphony No. 3 in E flat major, Op. 55, Eroica: Scherzo: Allegro vivace .降E大调第三“英雄”交响曲,作品55——谐谑曲:活泼的快板。