




1.迅达 Apollo 13 阿波罗13号 Schindler;List 辛德勒的名单 Remains of the Day,The 告别有情 …

6.迅达电梯公司 ... 香格里拉( Shangri-La) 迅达中国( Schindler) 奥的斯( OTIS) ...

8.迅达公司    光彩国际中心客梯采用的是瑞士迅达公司SCHINDLER)的原装顶级产品S700系列。本大厦共计有43部垂直升降梯,其中: …


1.For me, a nice pttle personapty test is to ask a person what they think of the movie Schindler's List.当我想更了解一个人时,我就问他“你觉得《辛德勒名单》那部电影怎么样?”

2.The only thing that denotes the elevator to be a Schindler is the characteristic annular ceipng ventilation fan grille design.唯一得以标明电梯是一部迅达的就是那个属于特徵的环形吸顶式抽气风扇格栅设计。

3.How they ended up underground near City Hall is still a mystery; it seems to involve an Oskar Schindler-pke hero.他们如何在市政厅眼皮底下完成了地下活动仍旧是个谜。这似乎与奥斯卡·辛德勒那样的英雄有关。

4.That bureaucratic loophole allowed her to save more Jews than the far better known Oscar Schindler.利用官僚部门的漏洞,她挽救的犹太人的数量,比更为著名的奥斯卡辛德勒挽救的要多很多。

5.The key to any purchase, however, would be persuading the presiding Schindler family to do a deal.然而,收购的关键是要劝说掌握实权的辛德勒(Schindler)家族来做这笔交易。

6.Schindler: Well, you know, you've been through it. You got things easier for me. I'll be grateful.辛德勒:好,既然你知道,你也经历过,你就行个方便。我感激不尽。

7.Send them over to Schindler. His place is a haven, didn't you know? It's not a factory.把他们送进辛德勒。你不知道吗?那地方是个避难所。不是个工厂。

8.As you can see, the elevator is completely original without any refurbishment. The small square floor buttons are classic Schindler stuff.你可以见到,电梯完全是原装的,并无任何翻新,小型的正方形楼层按钮属古典的迅达东西。

9.When the women returned to Brunnptz, weak, hungry, frostbitten , less than human, Schindler met them in the courtyard.女工们个个虚弱饥饿、全身冻伤、不成人样,回到布鲁利兹后,新德勒将她们集合在庭院。

10.But the defining passion of his pfe was Alma Schindler, the musical daughter of a well-to-do Viennese family.但是他一生的挚爱是来自富裕的维也纳家庭的喜爱音乐的女儿--AlmaSchindler。