




1.舒尔茨genic training)是本世纪初德国精神病学舒尔茨Schultz)创立,用带暗示性的指导语告知病人:如感到四肢沉重便是肌肉 …

5.学者舒尔兹富生活情趣,创 建高品位的富足生活。因此,著名心理学家舒尔兹(Schultz) 和叶浩生都对积极心理学给予了极高的评价。舒尔兹 …

7.薛尔兹 傅立业( Freire) 薛尔兹( Schultz) 伯恩斯坦( Bernstein) ...


1."I remember one of the birds stayed behind the camera as the others moved to the front, " said Mr Schultz, 53.“我记得一只企鹅留在相机后面,另两只朝相机前面走去。”53岁的舒尔茨先生说。

2.It's as if Schultz can't help himself: Starbucks is growing up, and he needs to start over again with something small.Schultz总是会禁不住想到:星巴克正在成长,而他需要从一些小事情上从新开始。

3.Schultz also said the company will launch an iced version of its Via brand instant coffee in North America.Schultz并指出,星巴克将在北美推出Via即溶冰咖啡。

4.Mr Schultz is about to discover whether they are possible for a company that has made such a fuss about giving power to its customers.舒尔茨即将发现对于一家公司大动干戈地将权力交给顾客的做法是否可行。

5.Still, Schultz said the company is not finished with U. S. growth.但是,斯库兹说星巴克在美国并没有停止扩张。

6.In his memo Mr Schultz suggests that the company needs to go back to its roots.在备忘录中,舒尔茨提出,公司需要回到过去的传统根源模式。

7.At Starbucks, Schultz offers full health benefits to all employees who work at least 20 hours a week.在星巴克,舒尔兹为所有每周工作至少20小时的员工提供完整的保障福利。

8.The reason, argues Mr Schultz, is that the company has retained a "passion" for coffee and a "sense of humanity" .霍华德指出,批评少的原因是公司一直保持做咖啡事业的激情和对人性的理解。

9.Schultz said he saw no sales impact from recent economic jitters in the United States and Europe.舒尔茨表示说,在美国和欧洲人人谈及色变的经济危机并没有给星巴克的销售额带来明显的影响。

10.Word was out that Starbucks was opening a concept store in Seattle, and Schultz was as excited as I had seen him.于是星巴克将在西雅图开设新概念店的传闻不胫而走。而当我再次见到Schultz的时候,他对此兴奋不已。