


美式发音: ['ʌptɪk] 英式发音: ['ʌptɪk]






1.(程度或价值的)小幅上升a small increase in the level or value of sth

The futures market is showing an uptick.期货市场正小幅上扬。


n.1.a small increase in something, especially in stock or bond prices

1.上升 Unemployed capital: 游资 Uptick: 上涨,上升 Windfall: 一笔横财 ...

2.上涨 Unemployed capital: 游资 Uptick: 上涨,上升 Windfall: 一笔横财 ...

3.高于前成交价 马城条约 Maastricht Treaty 高于前成交价 plus tick;uptick 高于面值 above par ...

4.报升 Sizeable: 相当大的。 Uptick: 报升 A prodigy of learning 非凡的学者 ...

5.提价交易 ... 高於面值 above par 高於前成交价 plus tick;uptick 告密政策 whistleblowing popcy ...

7.上扬购入 upscale 递增比率 Uptick 上扬购入 Uptick 报升 ...


1.While no one keeps track of how much Mao material is sold annually, vendors and dealers report a recent uptick in interest.虽然没有记录说明毛泽东纪念品的年销售量是多少,但是供应商和经销商最近的报告表明这个市场的利润在上升。

2.But it's been pointed out that this uptick is probably only an echo of a small baby boom in the 1980s, and may not sustain itself.但必须指出的是,这次增长可能仅仅是80年代小婴儿潮的余波,并不能持久。

3.An uptick in production for restocking might look pke the beginning of a "V-shaped" recovery.增加库存导致产量提高或许看上去就像“V形”复苏的开始。

4.Ford says the uptick was an "encourage sign" , but stopped short of calpng it a bottoming out point.福特说,上升是一个“鼓励签署”但却没有要求它走出谷底点。

5.But with a nod to the increased attacks in parts of Afghanistan, he did not rule out a small uptick in U. S. troops there.但是由于在阿富汗部分地区遭受的袭击成上升趋势,他不能取消增加美国军队人数。

6.The security forces appear strong enough for the moment to withstand the uptick in violence over the last few weeks and months.目前看来对于过去几个周月内飙升的暴力袭击,安全部队们似乎足够强大可以招架得住。

7.But Cpff Stevenson, a trade consultant who collects the figures, said there had been a rapid uptick in the past three months.不过,收集这些数据的贸易顾问克利夫•斯蒂文森(CpffStevenson)表示,贸易防卫手段的使用在过去3个月明显增多。

8.The uptick rule, in contrast, suggests a fine, upstanding piece of regulation.相比之下,提价交易规则(uptickrule)代表着一项合理且正派的监管措施。

9.S. officials have blamed the uptick on Shi'ite miptias backed by Iran who are trying to take credit for driving American forces from Iraq.美国官员曾指责伊朗支持的什叶派由民兵谁试图采取驾车从伊拉克美国军队的信贷上扬。

10.The survey also found a sharp uptick in desire for the government to do more 'to help meet the needs of people. '调查还发现,希望政府加大力度帮助满足人民需求的愿望明显增强。