




1.幸福科学 今年2月Time周刊报导了一项最新科学 --- 快乐科学Science of Happiness),为一群美国心理学会 (APA)学者在Martin Sep…


1.Tony Hsieh, the boss, shaves his head and spends 10% of his time studying what he calls the "science of happiness" .Zappo的老板TonyHsieh每天变换发型,10%的时间都在研究他所谓的“快乐的科学”。

2.Some courses have no prerequisites, pke "The Science of Happiness, " which focuses on college student mental health and wellness.有一些课程是不需要任何基础的,像“幸福的学问”,这门课主要聚焦大学生的身心健康。

3.The winner was announced at the end of the two-day New Science of Happiness and Well-Being Conference, organised by Merry and his wife.评选结果在由梅里夫妇组织的、为期两天的“快乐与幸福新科学研讨会”结束时揭晓。

4.Thus, an empirical science of happiness should be used to determine which actions are moral.因此,实证科学的幸福应该是用来确定哪些行为是道德。

5.Much of this draws on the upstart science of happiness, which mixes psychology with economics (see article).这就要借助刚起步的幸福科学,它综合了心理学和经济学(见文章)。

6.And one of the key points in the science of happiness is that happiness and unhappiness are not endpoints of a single continuum.幸福科学的关键之一是幸福与痛苦并非一个连续体的两端。

7.Here are the rest of my articles on the new science of happiness.这里是我的其他关于新的快乐研究的文章。

8.So let me go forward to the new science of happiness.下面我要讲一下新幸福科学。

9.Today's "science of happiness" Children's magazine to Huairou, and go and the movie. Talk to me about certain aspects of wire stunt. .今天《快乐科学》少儿杂志社来到怀柔,一起去的影视城。采访我,了解一些威亚特技方面的问题…

10.The science of happiness offers two explanations for the paradox.幸福科学为这个矛盾提供了两种解释。