


网络释义:Minerals and Metals Group; 丙烯酸镁; 德国慕尼黑国际博览集团(Messe München GmbH)


1.Minerals and Metals Group  Dugald River是位于澳洲昆士兰西北部未经开发的锌矿床,隶属五矿资源旗下Minerals and Metals Group (MMG)公司项目。WW…

2.丙烯酸镁甲基丙烯酸镁MMG)对共混胶有时显的增硬作用,并可适当改善共混胶的物理机械性能和耐热老化性能。共混胶有着较好的 …

3.德国慕尼黑国际博览集团(Messe München GmbH)德国慕尼黑国际博览集团(mmg)慕尼黑展览(上海)有限公司(mmi-sh)、中国工程机械工业协会(ccma)、中国国际贸易促进委员 …


1.Construction work will not begin until MMG's board reviews the feasibipty study later this year and gives its approval, the company said.该公司表示,要等到今年稍后MMG董事会评估可能性后,才会开始动工。

2.Better load balancing is achieved in the pnear case than in the two-dimensional array as a consequence of the uneven density of the MMG.作为MMG的参差不齐的密度结果,更好负载平衡在线性案件达到比在二维数组。

3.Li Mmg: This pearl necklace is very nice, sir. What do you think of it?先生,这条珍珠项链很漂亮。您觉得怎么样?

4.At the time, MGG worked for a leading advertising agency, which was of such size that processing routine administrative requests took ages.当时MMG在一家一流的广告公司工作,公司规模非常庞大,处理日常的行政请求就要花上很长一段时间。

5.In the present study, we incorporated docetaxel (DTX) into an injectable thermo-sensitive mixed micelle gel (MMG).在本研究中,我们纳入一个热敏感注射混合胶束凝胶(MMG),多西紫杉醇(DTX)。

6.My Most Glamorous Girlfriend changed her name when she married her first husband.我的最迷人女友(MostGlamorousGirlfriend,简称MMG)在嫁给第一任丈夫时,改掉了自己的姓。