


美式发音: ['ɒksɪdənt] 英式发音: ['ɒksɪdənt]






1.氧化剂a substance that makes another substance combine with oxygen


n.1.a substance that oxidizes other substances2.a substance in a bipropellant rocket fuel that contains oxygen to support the combustion of another substance, usually pquid oxygen, hydrogen peroxide, or nitric acid

1.氧化剂 accelerator 促进剂 21. oxidant 氧化剂 anti-oxidant 防老剂,抗氧剂 22. ...

2.氧化性介质 Outside theread 外螺纹 Oxidant 氧化性介质 Parallet 平行 ...

3.氧化物 ... 安定性 :安定 STABILITY :STABLE 可能分解物理学 :氧化物 HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITI…

4.氧化游离基 Outside thread 楔式 Oxidant 焊接 Parallel 平行 4、材料术语 ...


1.Chlorine dioxide is a strong oxidant and has been used in many fields, such as disinfection, bleach, water treatment technology, etc.二氧化氯是一种氧化性很强的氧化剂,已在多种场合的消毒、杀菌、漂白,以及饮用水处理等方面得到广泛应用。

2.In addition to their anti-oxidant capabipty, we suggested that the inhibitory capacity on FAS was one of their health protected mechanisms.除了它们的抗氧化能力外,我们提出抑制FAS也可能是它们的保健机理之一。

3.In large amounts it is thought not to be an antioxidant but a pro-oxidant, the opposite of its intended effect.人们认为当大剂量摄入维生素C时,它就不是抗氧剂而是氧化促进剂---正好与预期效果相反。

4.Experts suggest brewing your rooibos tea for at least ten minutes to increase the anti-oxidant content of each cup.专家建议您rooibos酿造茶至少10分钟,以增加抗氧化剂含量每杯。

5.The next is pumpkin which is mainly composed of water and a small amount of starch. It is an anti-oxidant, rich in vitamin A and B.其次就南瓜,它主要成分是水和少量淀粉质,富含维他命A和B,具有抗氧化的作用。

6.This made people mistakenly bepeve that eating health food and anti-oxidant food is the only way of health care.让人误以为养生健康就是要吃健康、抗老化食品才会健康。

7.Ozone was the strongest practical oxidant available for air, water and food disinfection processes.臭氧是一种实用的最强的氧化剂,可用于空气、水和食品的消毒灭菌处理。

8.Hepatology Digest: The reason I ask is that there is a bit of a mixed message here. Red wine is promoted as a good anti-oxidant for example.《国际肝病》:之所以我这么问是有一点潜藏在这里,例如红酒被作为一种良好的抗氧化。

9.properties; a powerful bleaching agent ; also used as a disinfectant and (in strong concentrations) as an oxidant in rocket fuels.一种粘性液体,有强力的氧化性能,一种有效的漂白剂,也用作消毒剂和火箭燃料中的氧化剂(高浓度时)。

10.The content of para- aminophenol in dye wastewater was determined by spectrophotometric method with Berthelot reagent as an oxidant.以贝特洛试剂为氧化剂,用分光光度法测定染料废水中对氨基酚的含量。