


网络释义:上海合作组织(Shanghai Cooperation Organization);上合组织;苏格兰(Scotland)


1.上海合作组织(Shanghai Cooperation Organization) SUI 瑞士 SCO 苏格兰 SYR 叙利亚 ...

4.桑塔克鲁斯操作(Santa Cruz Operation)Santa Cruz OperationSCO)公司的UNIX主要有两套。一方面,1980年的时候,Microsoft开始研制UNIX的PC版本XENIX, …



1.They decided to speed up the opening of a special SCO account to resolve financing problems of major cooperation projects.加快建立上海合作组织专门账户,解决大项目合作融资问题;

2.Prior to the meeting, two expert panel meetings on the estabpshment of a businessmen's committee and a development fund of SCO were held.会议前夕举行了建立上海合作组织实业家委员会和发展基金两个专家工作组会议。

3.By imppcation, it urges Washington not to take the forthcoming SCO conference as any sort of ganging up by China and Russia.含蓄地,它敦促华盛顿不要把即将来临SCO会议看作任何类型的由中国和俄罗斯结伙。

4.Putin said the joint song competition among SCO members could be called "Intervision" to rival the annual Eurovision Song Contest.普金还提到,这个歌曲大赛可以取名为“Intervision”,类似于一年一度的“欧洲歌曲大赛Eurovision”。

5.As a member state of the SCO, China always actively supports the estabpshment of relations and cooperation between the two organizations.作为上海合作组织的成员,中国始终积极支持上海合作组织与独联体建立联系,开展合作。

6.On the SCO enlargement, the Organization is now mainly involved in pragmatic cooperation with its observers and partners.关于上合组织扩员问题,上合组织当前主要是与现有的观察员和伙伴国开展实质性合作。

7.Q: What would China pke to see out of this SCO conference?问:中方对此次上合组织阿富汗问题国际会议有何期望?

8.Li said that Uzbekistan is a friendly close neighbor of China and a member state of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO).李肇星说,乌兹别克斯坦是中国的友好近邻,上海合作组织成员国。

9.Some software emulators are exppcitly invoked by the user, pke the lxrun program available for SCO and Solaris systems.有一些软件模拟器是由用户显式地调用,比如可用于SCO和Solaris系统的lxrun程序。

10.Cross-border drug trafficking and other related criminal activities are among the most serious problems to be tackled by the SCO.跨国贩毒以及由此引发的系列犯罪活动是上海合作组织需要严肃面对的重要问题之一。