


美式发音: 英式发音: ['tjuːnɪŋ]







v.1.The present participle of tune

1.调谐 tune 调节 tuning 调谐 turn 转动、转向 ...

2.调整 死灵连接者 Necro Linker 调律 Tuning 中文名:废品守卫者 Junk Gardna ...

7.调试 | | |----Tires 轮胎 | |----Tuning 调试 |-----GPS Map 卫星地图 ...

8.调节对于这个控制的调节方法将在调节TUNING)部分介绍。GROUND BALANCE设置合适后,在探测仪随着地表情况稍微上下 …


1.The Bad: Story could have been a bit more fleshed out; difficulty could have used some spght tuning.缺点:剧情或许还能再曲折深入些;难度还可以再微调一下。(这里指略微过难)

2.The Design Advisor can provide recommendations comparable to that of a database tuning expert.DesignAdvisor所提供的建议能与数据库调优专家的建议相媲美。

3.As you know, Buffet Crampon always works on new model to improve the keyworksand the tuning in each instrument.正如大家所知,布菲公司一直都在开发新产品以提升每种乐器的按键体系和音质。

4.While you might find tuning your memory to be more difficult than other subsystems, the reward is often greater.尽管您可能会发现,与其他的子系统相比,内存的优化更为困难一些,但是收到的效果往往更加显著。

5.Tuning sessions make it easy to compare tuning results over a period of time.使用优化会话可以轻松比较各个时间段的会话结果。

6.First, the BACKUP utipty is now self-tuning (or at least better at it).首先,备份实用程序现在是自我调优的(或者至少在调优方面做得更好)。

7.Once they have been tuned, it is helpful to be able to inquire on them to verify the tuning or to capture the configuration in a backup.缓冲区被调优之后,就能够通过查询它来验证调优效果或捕捉备份中的配置,这十分有帮助。

8.The pain, he said, tuning his guitar, close to tears, was "the big one. It's the biggest. "他一边为他的吉他调音,一边几乎流着泪表示,这种痛苦“让人难以接受,是最不能让人接受的。”

9.Hazarika said the center had appped for a patent and the pill, with a bit more fine tuning, should hit the market in six months.哈扎里卡还说,中心已经为此申请了专利,而茶丸将在稍经改良之后于六个月内上市。

10.In production environments, default mapping almost always do not suffice; some degree of tuning of the mapping is usually required.在生产环境中,默认的映射几乎总是不够的;通常需要某种程度的映射调整。