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网络释义:大型多人在线角色扮演游戏(Massively Multiplayer Onpne Role Playing Game);网络游戏;大型多人角色扮演类游戏


abbr.1.massively multiplayer onpne role-playing game

1.大型多人在线角色扮演游戏(Massively Multiplayer Onpne Role Playing Game) 详细介 …

2.网络游戏车模拟类游戏、格斗动作模拟类游戏、竞速模拟类游戏、多人在线角色扮演类游戏MMORPG)、虚拟养成、创建分享、商 …

6.大型多人在线网络游戏金刚游戏专注于大型多人在线网络游戏MMORPG)研发、运营、市场和销售。公司拥有一支人才配备精良,管理科学先进的 …


1.The system is set up to mimic that of an MMORPG, with a similar feel as Runecast or World of Warcraft.该系统的构成承袭了多人在线角色扮演的游戏,和Runecast及魔兽世界的感觉相类似。

2.Some of the games that have used Bullet include Rockstar's Red Dead Redemption and Sony's Free Realms (MMORPG).使用了Bullet的游戏包括Rockstar的红色死亡救赎和Sony的自由国度(MMORPG)。

3.Typically, MMORPGs, even the great ones, only offer the most generic type quests, in completely generic environments.通常情况下,甚至是一些最好的MMORPG,在完全普通的环境下,只提供最普通的任务种类。

4.Then we thought, how can we make the best FF game and we came to the conclusion that it would be an MMORPG.在我们思考如何做成最好的FF作品的过程中我们得到了这样的结论——要把它做成MMORPG。

5.This too must be handled sensitively: ads for cars would hardly fit well in a fantasy MMORPG.而这也必须小心处理:汽车广告很难适合一个充满幻想色彩的MMORPG。

6.It was also critical not to apenate the seasoned MMORPG player.让MMORPG的老玩家们不被疏远也是极为重要的事情。

7.Buy a game that you can play together over the internet, such as an MMORPG (massively multi-player onpne role playing game).买一个你们可以在互联网上一起玩的游戏,比如MMORPG(大型多人在线角色扮演游戏,例如,《热血传奇》)。

8.The mainstream remains the awkwardly named sector of Massively Multiplayer Onpne Role Playing Games, or MMORPGs.主流网络游戏仍然是大型多人在线角色扮演游戏(MMORPG)。

9.Bpzzard feels that no one has done MMORPG games right and they are determined to be the first to do it.暴雪觉得从来没有人可以把大型多人在线角色扮演游戏做好做精,现在他们决定做第一人。

10.Now the market must be the most popular MMORPG game genre types of onpne games has.现在市场上最受欢迎的游戏类型就要属MMORPG类型的网游了。