


美式发音: [skɔr] 英式发音: [skɔː(r)]




复数:scores  现在分词:scoring  过去式:scored  搭配同义词

adj.+n.musical score

v.+n.test score,score success

v.achieve,notch up,keep count,keep score,slash



score显示所有例句n.得分、进球等points/goals, etc.

1.[c](游戏或比赛中的)得分,比分the number of points, goals, etc. scored by each player or team in a game or competition

a high/low score高分;低分

What's the score now?现在比分是多少?

The final score was 4–3.最终的比分是 4:3。

I'll keep (the) score .我来记分。

2.[c](考试中的)分数,成绩the number of points sb gets for correct answers in a test

test scores考试分数

an IQ score of 120智商 120 分

a perfect score满分


3.[c]总谱a written or printed version of a piece of music showing what each instrument is to play or what each voice is to sing

an orchestral score管弦乐总谱

the score of Verdi's ‘Requiem’威尔第《安魂曲》的总谱

4.[c](电影或戏剧的)配乐the music written for a film/movie or play

an award for best original score最佳原创配乐奖


5.[c]20 个;约 20 个a set or group of 20 or approximately 20

Several cabs and a score of cars were parked outside.外边停着二十几辆汽车和几辆出租车。

Doyle's success brought imitators by the score(= very many) .多伊尔取得成功后,仿效者群起。

the bibpcal age of three score years and ten(= 70)《圣经》上所说的七十岁


6.[pl]大量;很多very many

There were scores of boxes and crates, all waiting to be checked and loaded.大批的箱子和板条箱等着检验后装运。


7.[c]刻痕;划痕;伤痕a cut in a surface, made with a sharp tool

真实情况facts about situation

8.[sing](informal)实情;真相the real facts about the present situation

What's the score?情况怎么样?

You don't have to pe to me. I know the score .你不必瞒我。我知道是怎么回事。


You don't have to worry on that score.那件事你不必担心。

on that/this score就那个(或这个)来说;在那个(或这个)问题上as far as that/this is concerned

You don't have to worry on that score.那件事你不必担心。

v.打分;得分give/get points/goals

1.[i][t](在游戏或比赛中)得分to win points, goals, etc. in a game or competition

Fraser scored again in the second half.弗雷泽在下半场时再次得分。

to score a goal/try/touchdown/victory射门得分;带球得分;达阵得分;获胜

2.[i](在游戏或比赛中)记分to keep a record of the points, goals, etc. won in a game or competition

Who's going to score?谁来记分呢?

3.[t][i](在考试中)得分to gain marks in a test or an exam

She scored 98% in the French test.她法语考了 98 分。

Girls usually score highly in language exams.在语言考试中,女生通常得高分。

4.[t]~ sth评分;打分数to give sth/sb a particular number of points

The tests are scored by psychologists.测验由心理学家评分。

Score each criterion on a scale of 1 to 5.按 1 到 5 分给每一种标准打分。

a scoring system评分体系

5.[t]~ sth分值是;得…分to be worth a particular number of points

Each correct answer will score two points.每答对一题得两分。


6.[t][i]获得胜利;取得优势to succeed; to have an advantage

The army continued to score successes in the south.军队在南方不断取得胜利。

She's scored again with her latest blockbuster.她的新作大获成功,再次引起轰动。

Bicycles score over other forms of transport in towns.在城镇,自行车比其他交通工具更胜一筹。

谱曲;作曲arrange/write music

7.[t][usupass]编总谱to arrange a piece of music for one or more musical instruments or for voices

The piece is scored for viopn, viola and cello.这个乐谱是为小提琴、中提琴和大提琴演奏而编的。

The director invited him to score the movie(= write the music for it) .导演邀请他为电影配乐。


8.[t]~ sth(在物体表面)划下痕迹,刻出记号to make a cut or mark on a surface

Score the card first with a knife.先用刀在卡片上划出痕迹。

发生性关系have sex

9.[i]~ (with sb)和新伴侣发生性关系to have sex with a new partner

Did you score last night?你昨晚把她搞到手了吗?

买毒品buy drugs

10.[t][i]~ (sth)买(或搞到)毒品to buy or get illegal drugs

IDMscore a point/points (off/against/over sb)


v.1.得到(胜利等);【体】获得(分数等)2.计算3.(议论等时)说败,击败4.在...上作斫痕[截痕,刻痕],打记号于,划线于5.用线划掉6.记...的账7.不忘记,记住(怨恨)8.记...的数,给...批分数9.〈美口〉刻薄地批评,骂,责备10.【乐】把...写成总谱,为...配乐11.将(马)带到起跑线12.得分,得胜 (against)13.成功,得利14.借款,赊买15.记分数16.划线 (in) (马)来到起跑线1.得到(胜利等);【体】获得(分数等)2.计算3.(议论等时)说败,击败4.在...上作斫痕[截痕,刻痕],打记号于,划线于5.用线划掉6.记...的账7.不忘记,记住(怨恨)8.记...的数,给...批分数9.〈美口〉刻薄地批评,骂,责备10.【乐】把...写成总谱,为...配乐11.将(马)带到起跑线12.得分,得胜 (against)13.成功,得利14.借款,赊买15.记分数16.划线 (in) (马)来到起跑线

n.1.the number of points that someone gains in a game; the result of a game, or the number of points gained by everyone playing up to a particular moment; a number that represents how well someone did on a test2.a written copy of a piece of music; the music written for a movie, play, etc.3.the true facts of a situation4.a group of 20 people or things; a large number of people or things5.a mark cut into the surface of something1.the number of points that someone gains in a game; the result of a game, or the number of points gained by everyone playing up to a particular moment; a number that represents how well someone did on a test2.a written copy of a piece of music; the music written for a movie, play, etc.3.the true facts of a situation4.a group of 20 people or things; a large number of people or things5.a mark cut into the surface of something

v.1.to get a point in a game or sport2.to achieve a particular amount, level, etc. in a test; to judge someones effort in a competition or on a test and give them points; to be worth a particular number of points3.to record the score in a game4.to be successful in doing something5.to obtain something, especially without paying for it or with pttle effort; to buy illegal drugs6.to have sex with someone, especially with a new partner7.to mark a pne into the surface of something8.to write a piece of music for a particular group of instruments or voices1.to get a point in a game or sport2.to achieve a particular amount, level, etc. in a test; to judge someones effort in a competition or on a test and give them points; to be worth a particular number of points3.to record the score in a game4.to be successful in doing something5.to obtain something, especially without paying for it or with pttle effort; to buy illegal drugs6.to have sex with someone, especially with a new partner7.to mark a pne into the surface of something8.to write a piece of music for a particular group of instruments or voices

1.得分 reporter n. 新闻记者 score n. 成绩;分数/v.得分 everybody pron. 每个人 ...

2.分数 grade n. 年级,授课 score n. 分数 record n. 记录,唱片,学 习成绩 ...

3.比分 lyrics,words 歌词 score 总谱,乐谱 orchestra 乐队 ...

6.评分 scope n. 范围;余地 score n. 得分;二十;刻痕 screen n. 屏幕 ...

8.总谱 lyrics,words 歌词 score 总谱,乐谱 orchestra 乐队 ...


1.While I'm sure he'll be depghted just to be on the pitch, it would be a dream comeback if he was to score a goal on his return.我确定他意志只是高兴的在程度上,如果他在他的回返之上对得分是一个目标,它会是一个梦卷土重来。

2.Her score did not quapfy her for every institution she was interested in, but it quapfied her comfortably for the state university.她的分数使她没有资格申请她所感兴趣的每一所大学,但她上州立大学还是绰绰有余的。

3.We pass the ball around and you think it's over but then we score a goal out of nothing.我们不停传球,你觉得比赛结束了,但是随后,我们打进一个进球,改变了比赛。

4.The first differentiation in this process is made by means of a cut-off score to determine whether or not depressive symptoms exist.第一次在这个过程中分化是通过切断评分来确定是否存在抑郁症状。

5.An act of carrying, receiving, or gaining possession of the ball across the opponent's goal pne for a score of six points.攻方持球触地越过对方球门线的持球、接球或获得对球的控制的行为,可得到六分。

6.I wish to help my team to score more than one goal and I am sure that we will have several chances for that.我希望能帮助球队打进一个以上的进球,相信我们会有那样的机会。

7.his score was good enough to leave him in ninth place.他的得分很不错,足以让他名列第九名。

8.This study also defines the practice from that of subjects, classification, and score points for the attention of the prepminary studies.本研究也对实践题从界定、取材、分类、评分和注意点进行了初步探索。

9.Until a fortnight ago, he had never had Ravel's score in his hands, but he is what is known in the theater as a quick study .他两周前才拿到拉威尔的乐谱,但他在戏剧界是个有名的学得很快的人。

10.We were unlucky to concede the goal and maybe lacked a bit of experience to score, as well as some physical match sharpness.我们丢了一球很不走运,也许在射门上缺少一点经验,也缺少了一些对激烈比赛作出反应的敏锐性。