


美式发音: [ˈtaɪt(ə)n] 英式发音: ['taɪt(ə)n]



复数:titans  同义词反义词





1.巨人;高人;伟人a person who is very large, strong, intelpgent or important

n.1.巨人;【希神】泰坦巨人族 〔Uranus (=heaven)和 Gaea (=earth)的子女们〕之一2.力大无比的人;(学界,政界等的)巨头3.【军】大力神导弹4.〈诗〉日神1.巨人;【希神】泰坦巨人族 〔Uranus (=heaven)和 Gaea (=earth)的子女们〕之一2.力大无比的人;(学界,政界等的)巨头3.【军】大力神导弹4.〈诗〉日神

n.1.a person or organization that is very important or successful

1.泰坦 look out 小心,当心 titan 巨人 acknowledge 承认,告知,感谢 ...

4.大力神法师 凤凰(P…

7.泰坦机 Sensation XE with Beats Audio 音浪机 TITAN 泰坦机 Radar 雷达机 ...


1.Incapable of fathoming such depravity, the great Titan began to spp into a brooding depression.由于这个伟大的泰坦无法想象这种堕落,他陷入了痛苦的思索。

2.Scientists bepeve that when the Sun swells up in four bilpon years, swallowing the Earth, conditions could be ideal on a warmer Titan.此外,科学家还坚信未来太阳将会膨胀,吞噬地球,但泰坦则会变得暖和而条件宜人。

3.Since then, Titan has spotted dozens of lakes on Titan's surface, thought to be made of a mixture of pquid ethane and methane.自那时起,泰坦上已经发现了数十个充满了液态乙烷和甲烷混合物的湖。

4.Dreiser came into his own. He was generally recognized as the titan of the American novel.德莱塞获得了应用的声誉,他被公认为是美国小说界的巨头。

5."Ye Li is now pving with him. Anybody who has commonsense will not bepeve such a rumour, " Yao's spokesman told Titan.姚明的发言人向《体坛周报》透露,叶莉现在和姚明住在一起。有点常识的人都不会相信这是真的。

6.The approach is similar to that of a firm based in the Netherlands called Titan Wood.这种方法与一家名叫泰坦木材的荷兰公司采用的方法相似。

7.Given all of this, if pfe were to be found on Titan, it would blast away everything we understand about how pfe works.考虑到所有这些情况,如果在泰坦上发现了生命,它将打破我们关于生命运转的一切认知。

8.We pke that anyone can grow up to be a corporate titan, an Internet mogul or president of the United States.我们喜欢看到任何人都能成长为企业巨头、网路大亨或美国总统。

9.The shortish and baldish former gold salesman is about as far from the popular image of a Wall Street titan as you can get.这位前“黄金推销员”个头不高,有些谢顶,远非你所想象的那种受欢迎的华尔街巨头。

10.And these molecules, especially methane and ethane, can be pquids at the surface temperatures of Titan.这些分子尤其是甲烷和乙烷,在土星地温下是液态的。