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abbr.(=sipcon controlled rectifier)【无线】硅[矽]可控整流器

网络释义:选择性催化还原(selective catalytic reduction);血肌酐;可控硅(sipcon controlled rectifier)


abbr.1.【无线】(=sipcon controlled rectifier)硅[矽]可控整流器,可控硅[矽]2.(=semiconductor controlled rectifier)半导体可控整流器

abbr.1.[Wireless](=sipcon controlled rectifier)2.(=semiconductor controlled rectifier)

1.选择性催化还原(selective catalytic reduction)  利用选择性催化还原SCR)技术将烟气中的氮氧化物脱除的方法是当前世界上脱氮工艺的主流。选择性催化还原法是利用氨(…

2.血肌酐血肌酐sCr)40~163 μmol/L,中位数82 μmol/L;尿素氮(BUN)3~10.6 mmol/L,中位数5.8 mmol/L。把BMI≥25 kg/m2定 …

3.可控硅(sipcon controlled rectifier)可控硅SCR)国际通用名称为Thyyistor,中文简称晶闸管。它能在高电压、大电流条件下工作,具有耐压高、容量大、体积 …

4.晶闸管晶闸管按其关断、导通及控制方式可分为普通晶闸管SCR)、双向晶闸管(TRIAC)、逆导晶闸管(RCT)、门极关断晶闸 …

5.选择性催化还原法重点对选择性催化还原法 (SCR)、选择性非催化还原法(SNCR)、光催化氧化法等烟气中 NO_x 控制技术的原理、应用现状、优 …


7.选择性催化还原技术同问选择性催化还原技术SCR)烟气脱硝会产生废催化剂吗? 2012-01-29 22:59 tahjbhjc | 分类:化学 网友采纳 2012-02-13 …


1.As the step-down transformer has no load when the SCR is turned off, the system is stable during switching.这种补偿方案由于在晶闸管关断时降压变压器相当于空载,不存在暂态过程的不稳定问题;

2.In an SCR configuration, there are two or more copies of the database, one for the source and one for each target.在一个SCR配置中,存在两个或多个数据库副本,一个用于源,另一个用于每个目标。

3.SCR provides products and services throughout China, together with her China representative office and its strategic partners.SCR已经通过其在中国的代表处和战略伙伴在中国市场上提供产品和服务。

4.The system that Volvo and most other producers have chosen is called Selective Catalytic Reduction or SCR.沃尔沃和大部分制造商所选择的系统称为选择性催化还原系统或缩写为SCR。

5.The StandbyMachine parameter specifies the name of a Mailbox server that will be configured as a target for SCR.StandbyMachine参数指定将配置为SCR目标的邮箱服务器的名称。

6.The experimental results for practical infrared image show that the algorithm can detection the point target with SCR of 1.用实际摄取的图像进行实验,结果表明该算法能检测出信杂比(SCR)为1的红外图像。

7.SCR reduces oxides of nitrogen, the smog precursor known as NOx, by injecting urea periodically into the exhaust system.SCR可以降低氮氧化物排放,通过定期向排气系统喷射尿素来降低氧化氮。

8.The pgand encoded by SCR gene is a small pollen coat protein present on the surface of pollen grains.配体是位于花粉粒表面的一个小的胞被蛋白,由SCR基因编码;

9.The preceding command creates a new storage group and configures the specified standby computer as an SCR target for the new storage group .上面的命令可以创建新的存储组并将指定的备用计算机配置为新存储组的SCR目标。

10.Converting SWF to EXE or SCR with editing has never been easier!SWF的转换,以exe或可控矽与编辑从未如此简单!