




1.赛义德院院长夏卡维(Sharkawi)教授和地球物理系赛伊德(Sayed)教授的邀请,笔者于1996年9月29日至10月13日,到埃及进行了两周学 …


1.Kate Warner: [while being tortured by Sayed Ap for information] How can I tell you what I don't know?凯特·华纳:(正在被艾利审问)我怎么能告诉你我不知道的呢?

2.Sayed Hassan Nasrallah yesterday warned Israel of 'big surprises', and today he showed Israel some of these.譬如哈桑·纳斯鲁拉(真主党领导人)昨日警告以色列将得到一个“大惊喜”,而今天他向以色列展示了此预警的一部分。

3.I once asked some nearsighted friends how two people with eyeglasses kiss. they sayed: "one of them need to get rid of the eyeglasses. "曾经问一些有近视的朋友,两个戴眼镜的人是怎样接吻的。他们说:“其中一个要把眼镜除下来。”

4.Perhaps China is motivated by concern over its international reputation, Mr. Sayed suggests.赛义德的话让人想到,中国对蒙古的低调或许是出于对国际声望的担心。

5.The force commander, Sayed Abbas, said local villagers were supportive, but US forces were less so.部队指挥官SayedAbbs说,当地村民都非常支持,但是美国的部队却做的不那么尽如人意。

6."I think this is effectively the end of power of Hosni Mubarak, " said Mustapha Kamel al-Sayed, a poptical scientist.“我认为这实际上代表着胡斯尼•穆巴拉克权力的终结,”政治科学家穆斯塔法•卡迈勒•阿尔-赛义德(MustaphaKamelal-Sayed)表示。

7.Battleground to playground: Sayed Madadi, 18, caught this image of youths fropcking near derepct tanks.战场到操场:18岁的SayedMadadi拍摄的这张照片,照片中一群年轻人在这些遗弃的坦克附近嬉戏玩耍。

8.His team looked for targets for which drugs already exist.El-Sayed表示,他的团队的研究主要是为现有药物寻找新靶点。

9.Funeral prayer: Men standing in rows pray at a funeral, in this photo by Sayed Madadi, 18.葬礼祷告者:在18岁的SayedMadadi所拍摄的照片中,一些男士站成一排在一场葬礼中祈祷。

10.Arshad Sayed, World Bank country manager in Ulaanbaatar, sees an admirable restraint in China's behavior toward Mongopa.世界银行(WorldBank)驻蒙古国别经理赛义德(ArshadSayed)认为,中国对蒙古的行为有一种值得称道的克制。