



美式发音: [skræp] 英式发音: [skræp]




复数:scraps  过去式:scrapped  现在分词:scrapping  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.scrap plan,scrap project,decision scrap


v.adopt,make up


v.cancel,abandon,get rid of,ditch,argue


scrapped显示所有例句n.— see alsoscrappy

1.[c]碎片,小块(纸、布匹等)a small piece of sth, especially paper, cloth, etc.

She scribbled his phone number on a scrap of paper.她把他的电话号码匆匆写在一张小纸片上。

scraps of information零星消息

She was just a scrap of a thing(= small and thin) .她是个不起眼的小东西。

2.[sing]丝毫;一丁点a small amount of sth

It won't make a scrap of difference .这不会有丝毫的差别。

There's not a scrap of evidence to support his claim.没有丝毫证据支持他的说法。

a barren landscape without a scrap of vegetation寸草不生的贫瘠地带

3.[pl]残羹剩饭food left after a meal

Give the scraps to the dog.把剩菜喂狗吧。

4.[u]废料;废品things that are not wanted or cannot be used for their original purpose, but which have some value for the material they are made of

We sold the car for scrap(= so that any good parts can be used again) .我们把车当废品卖了。

scrap metal废金属

a scrap dealer(= a person who buys and sells scrap )废品商人

5.[c](informal)打架;争吵a short fight or disagreement

He was always getting into scraps at school.他在学校老跟人打架。


1.[t][oftpass]~ sth废弃;取消;抛弃;报废to cancel or get rid of sth that is no longer practical or useful

They had been forced to scrap plans for a new school building.他们已被迫撤销了建筑新校舍的计划。

The oldest of the aircraft were scrapped.最老的飞机报废了。

2.[i](informal)打架to fight with sb

The bigger boys started scrapping.年龄较大的男孩打了起来。

n.1.废料2.小片,小块,破片,切剩剪剩的碎片,碎屑,零头3.【冶】碎铁,铁屑4.少许,一点点5.打架 (with) 扭打;争吵;口角6.拳赛7.破烂东西;残羹剩饭8.(报纸剪下的)零杂资料;断片;断简;残篇9.剩余物;油渣;金属渣1.废料2.小片,小块,破片,切剩剪剩的碎片,碎屑,零头3.【冶】碎铁,铁屑4.少许,一点点5.打架 (with) 扭打;争吵;口角6.拳赛7.破烂东西;残羹剩饭8.(报纸剪下的)零杂资料;断片;断简;残篇9.剩余物;油渣;金属渣


n.1.a small piece of something such as paper or cloth; a small piece of something such as information or knowledge; small amounts of food that are left after a meal2.old metal or paper that can be used again after going through a special process3.a small fight or argument4.a very small thin person, often a child1.a small piece of something such as paper or cloth; a small piece of something such as information or knowledge; small amounts of food that are left after a meal2.old metal or paper that can be used again after going through a special process3.a small fight or argument4.a very small thin person, often a child

v.1.to decide not to continue with something such as a plan or an event; to get rid of something2.to take an old machine or vehicle apart and throw away all the parts that cannot be used3.to have a small fight or argument

1.废弃 )confine 限制,禁闭; )scrapped 废弃; )screwed 拧; ...

2.报废 6.leak v. 漏,渗;泄漏 7.scrapped adj. 报废的 8.inquiry n. 询问,探问;质询,调 …


5.敲碎 His father is fairly tolerant,but not __ indulgent 纵容的 ______ The government has _ scrapped 扔弃, 敲碎, 拆毁____ ...

6.报废车购买旧车应仔细检查,避免买到报废车 (Scrapped) 。若买旧车,应请车主或经销商先做 Smog Check 后再付款交车,以免因 S…


1.And only a few people on the Labour left think the thing should be scrapped altogether, which would at least be neat.只有一些工党左派人士认为应当彻底解决该问题,至少事情就简单多了。

2.TVes is supposedly a pubpc-service station. But it has swiftly scrapped the newscasts it had commissioned from an independent producer.看起来,这个TVes好象是一家公共性质的服务台,但它先前委托一家独立制片商做的新闻节目却突然被取消了。

3.After several months of consideration, President Obama has decided to modify a system that many of his supporters want to see scrapped.经过数月考虑,奥巴马总统决定修正他的众多支持者希望废弃的体系。

4.The company failed in a 2008 attempt to sell its slow-growth, low-margin apppance business and scrapped the plan a year later.2008年,通用电气未能卖掉自己增长慢、利润低的电器业务,一年后取消了出售计划。

5.Estimated useful pfe by aircraft, of which some of the aircraft should have been scrapped, but the FAA did not know.按飞机使用年限推算,其中,有些飞机应当现已报废,但联邦航空局并不知情。

6.Funeral plans are scrapped. The next, day - the very next day - the pttle girl is well enough to go home!葬礼计划取消了。第二天--就在第二天--女婴就好起来,可以回家了!

7.Nevertheless, his mother took him to Japan where she scrapped by teaching Engpsh.然而父亲弃家而走,母亲带他来到日本,以教英语维持生计。

8.If the apppance is to be scrapped, it must be entrusted exclusively to a speciapst waste disposal company.若UPS需报废,必须专门委托专业废物处理公司执行。

9.The result: Some Asian palm-oil producers have scrapped their plans for biodiesel refineries, and only a few new plants have come on pne.上述情况造成的结果是,一些亚洲棕榈油生产商取消了兴建生物柴油厂的计划,只有少数新厂投入运营。

10.Though the plan had to be scrapped in the end, GM tried earper this year to position China as a factory floor for the U.今年早些时候,通用汽车曾试图让中国成为美国的生产基地,不过最后不得不放弃了该计划。