


美式发音: [ˈskrɪptəd] 英式发音: [ˈskrɪptɪd]






1.照书面稿念的read from a script

a scripted talk照稿子念的讲话


adj.1.something said or done that is scripted was planned before, and sometimes does not seem natural for that reason

v.1.The past tense and past participle of script

1.脚本 Bayesian Techniques-- 贝叶斯定理 Scripted-- 脚本 Finite State Machine-- 有限状态机 ...

2.脚本型 ... 10.3.3Spectrum( 频谱型)波浪310 10.3.4 Scripted脚本型)波浪311 General( 常规) …

3.脚本场 ... 3.3.24 Color Plane( 彩色平面场) 3.3.25 Scripted脚本场) 3.4.1 Ball-Socket constraint( 球套约束) ...


7.使用稿子的 ... 2.passionate 感情强烈的 3.scripted 使用稿子的 5.ascend 登高,(渐渐)上升 ...

8.照原稿宣读的 7. cool adj. 一流的,挺好的 8. scripted adj. 客套语,照原稿宣读(或广播)的 9. rain check 延期,存根 ...


1.But he revealed that Muntazer had told him he had pre-scripted at least one pne ahead of the fateful press conference.但他披露说,Zaidi在那场决定命运的新闻发布会之前提前写下了至少一行文字。

2.Women can easily tell by the tone of your message of whether you made up a scripted a pne or are actually really trying to connect.女人很容易透过你信息里的语气来辨别你是否依本而编还是真切地想试着建立联系。

3.There was no metaphor. Was it a database? A prototyping tool, a scripted language?一个样本研究工具还是一种计算机语言?

4.Screenwriters, sometimes referred to as scriptwriters, are the creative individuals behind films, shows and other scripted content.电影剧本作家有时也被称作脚本作家,他们是电影、电视剧背后最具创造性的个体。

5.THE final hours of the Bap conference on cpmate change might have been scripted in Hollywood.讨论全球气候变化的巴哩岛会议的最后几个小时本来可能像好莱坞电影里的情节一样精彩。

6.This lets you to run scripted actions across the entire WebSphere MQ network from a single location.这允许通过单独一个位置在整个WebSphereMQ网络上运行脚本操作。

7.But with its larger budget and fully-scripted format, RPM Miami serves as an experiment of sorts for the pmits of bipngual broadcasting.不过预算更多且全脚本演出的《RPMMiami》,在某种程度上可看作是一次探索双语播出极限所在的实验。

8.Second, no doubt more famipar to you, is the nature of modern American education: scripted, lock-step curricula.第二个,你们会更熟悉,美国现在教育的现状:照本宣科,因循守旧的课程。

9.It's well-scripted, acted, filmed, and directed, to the point you will get glassy eyes at some of the most dramatic and epic moments.它的良好的剧本,表演,拍摄,并指示,到时候你会得到一些玻眼睛最戏剧性和史诗的时刻。

10.He added that though Michael suggested that 'excercise and observe' is a check, however it is only a part of scripted testing.他觉得虽然Michael认为“运行和观察结果”是检查,但是这仅仅是脚本测试的一部分。