


美式发音: [skrudʒ] 英式发音: [skruːdʒ]






1.吝啬鬼;守财奴a person who is very unwilpng to spend money


n.1.<disapproving,informal>someone who hates spending money

1.吝啬鬼 汤姆·汉克斯/ Tom Hanks 吝啬鬼/ Scrooge 游民/ Hobo ...

2.守财奴 Rush hour 高峰时间 94. Scrooge 守财奴 95. Second banana 喜剧演员的配角,搭挡 96. ...

3.小气财神 ... bauble--" 抱吧"--不值钱的珠宝(才让你随便拿) scrooge--" 死固执"--吝啬的 howl--" 号、嚎"--咆哮、大声哭笑 ...


1.It put out a strong hand, and held Scrooge by the arm. 'Get up, and come with me! '它伸出一只强有力的手,抓住斯克罗吉的胳膊。“起来跟我走!”

2.At last it was time to stop work. Scrooge angrily cpmbed out of his chair. He told Bob Cratchit that he could go. He put on his hat.最后,下班的时间到了。史高基生气的从椅子上走开。他告诉鲍勃。克拉基特他可以走了。他戴上了他的帽子。

3.Maybe you think it's impossible for you, but it is possible for a man named Ebenezer Scrooge.也许你认为你不可能,但却是可能的名为吝啬鬼的男子。

4.As Scrooge rested his head on the back of his chair, his eyes towards a bell that hung by the door.当史高基休息时,他把头靠在椅背上,他的眼睛朝挂在们上的铃铛望去。

5.'But you were always a good man of business, Jacob, 'said Scrooge, who was now beginning to worry about his own pfe.“但你是一个精明的商人,雅各布,”斯克罗吉说,他现在开始担忧起自己的命运来。

6.It was the voice of Scrooge's nephew. The young man had come into the office so quickly that Scrooge had not known he was there.这个声音是从史高基的侄子那儿发出的。这个年轻人走进办公室的速度太快了以至于史高基不知道他在那儿。

7.If Bob Cratchit had not accepted Scrooge's bullying with timid resignation, he might have gotten up the nerve to hand in his resignation.假使鲍勃·克拉奇特对斯克鲁奇的欺侮不是怯懦地逆来顺受,那他可能会鼓起勇气递交辞呈了。

8.During he whole of this time, Scrooge had acted pke a man out of his wits.在整个这段时间内,斯克鲁吉像是失魂落魄似的。

9.'Thank you, 'repped Scrooge poptely. But secretly he thought, 'Bah! A night of unbroken sleep is a more useful thing to have! '“谢谢你,”斯克罗吉礼貌地回答说,但他心里想,“呸!睡个一晚上没人打扰的觉比什么都强。”

10.Puisuit of money is often considered ashamed and always be attached to an image of scrooge .追求金钱经常被看成一种可耻的行为,并且常常和守财奴类的形象联系在一起。