


美式发音: [skrʌntʃ] 英式发音: [skrʌntʃ]



第三人称单数:scrunches  现在分词:scrunching  过去式:scrunched  同义词反义词





1.[i]发咔嚓咔嚓声;发出嘎吱声to make a loud sound pke the one that is made when you walk on gravel(= small stones)

The snow scrunched underfoot.雪在脚下发出嘎吱嘎吱的声音。

2.[t]~ sth (up)把…揉成一团to squeeze sth into a small round shape in your hands

He scrunched up the note and threw it on the fire.他把便条揉成一团,扔进了火里。

3.[t]~ sth (up)使蜷缩;使收缩to make sth become smaller

The hedgehog scrunched itself up into a ball.刺猬蜷成一个圆球。

4.[t]~ sth(用手揉捏头发)做松鬈发型to create a hairstyle with loose curls by squeezing the hair with the hands


v.1.Same as cruncstrong.to press or squeeze something into a smaller shape; to squeeze a part of your body into a different shape3.to make a loud noise pke something being crushed

n.1.a sound pke something hard being crushed

1.碾碎 Crazy 灬僤裑贵族 Scrunch° 碾碎 S andm° 旧梦颜 ...

2.揉皱 hunger strike n. 绝食抗议 scrunch 缩紧 揉皱 scrunchy <俚>愁眉苦脸的 ...

3.蜷缩 peddled: 游荡的 scrunch: 蜷缩 sushi roll: 【太卷寿司】 ...

4.踩 Diagnose = 诊断 Scrunch = 碾,压;;咬嚼 Toss = 抛,扔,投 ...

5.咬碎 scrumptious lunch 丰盛的午餐 scrunch 咬碎;咀嚼;碾碎 scrutator 观察 …

6.压碎 shred v 切成细条,撕成碎片 scrunch v 压碎,辗碎 | tatter v 撕碎 ...

7.辗碎 shred v 切成细条,撕成碎片 scrunch v 压碎,辗碎 | tatter v 撕碎 ...


1.Scrunch up some long newspaper strips and wrap them around the outside of the circle, taping as you go, to build up the edge of the nest.堆砌了一些长条报纸和环绕在他们的圈子外面,盘带,当您去,建立了巢的边缘。

2.Then scrunch up a thin ball of newspaper to make a head. Use more sticky tape to hold it in place.然后用报纸卷成一个小球,做成头。用更多的胶带纸使它保持形状。

3.Never scrunch up or grip the floor with your toes in any of the standing poses.在任何站姿体式里都不要用脚蜷缩或者紧抠地板。

4.The scowl on his face is not from disgust or anger; rather, it results from how these big cats scrunch up their nose to keep water out.怒视在他的面容不是厌恶或忿怒,恰恰相反,它的结果来自于如何这些大猫揉皱它们的鼻子去保持水在外面。

5.Basically if the muscles cannot contract, or scrunch up, the wrinkles go away.基本上,如果肌肉不能合同或者碾碎了,皱纹消失。

6.To relax, I scrunch up my shoulders to my ears and then slowly let them fall down.我会耸起肩膀然后再慢慢地放下以此来放松。

7.scrunched up their shoulders; scrunch one's nose against a window.耸起他们的肩膀;使鼻子紧靠在一扇窗户上

8.I'd pke to bite your lower pp and scrunch your Edward Scissorhair, Johnny Bear.我喜欢咬住你的下唇,揉皱你爱德华样的剪刀头。可爱的德普。

9.You have to scrunch-dry your hair first.你得先吹干你的头发。