


美式发音: [skʌl] 英式发音: [skʌl]



复数:skulls  同义词




1.颅骨;头(盖)骨the bone structure that forms the head and surrounds and protects the brain

a fractured skull破裂的颅骨

2.(informal)脑袋;脑子;脑瓜the head or the brain

Her skull was crammed with too many thoughts.她脑瓜子里想法太多。

When will he get it into his thick skull that I never want to see him again!那笨头笨脑的家伙什么时候才能明白我再也不想见他了!


n.1.the bones of the head2.a persons head, or their mind

1.头骨 头功〖 first-classmerit〗 头骨skull;cranium〗 头号〖 numberone〗 ...

2.颅骨 brain 脑 skull 颅骨, 头盖骨 hair 头发 ...

3.头盖骨 brain 脑 skull 颅骨, 头盖骨 hair 头发 ...

4.骷髅 范塔兹玛( Phantasma) 史卡鲁Skull) 章鱼( Oodako) ...

6.头颅 skeleton 骨架,骨骼 skull 头颅,头骨 brain 脑 ...

7.头脑 头目〖 chief;chieftain;ringleader;priace〗 头脑skull〗 头脑发胀〖 swelledhead〗 ...

8.脑壳 joint 关节 skull 脑壳 brain 脑袋 ...


1.It had a thinner skull than H. erectus and was more proficient at making tools and using fire.它的头骨比直立人薄,在制造工具和用火上更精通。

2.Would you enjoy watching a movie of head surgery being performed on a young girl, starting with her face pulled away from her skull?你津津有味地看着电影,电影讲的是给一位年轻女孩做头部手术的事,而且还一上来就把她脸皮给掀了……

3.The grey part of the brain is folded to fit inside the skull and, if flattened, it would cover the surface of an office desk.大脑的灰色部分折叠以容纳在头骨内,如果展平,它可覆盖整个办公桌面。

4.It had served "mud pie" to be eaten out of a skull, featured rattpng chandepers, smoke pumped down from the ceipng and moving paintings.餐厅曾供应过一种“泥馅饼”(mudpie),要从骷髅里往外舀着吃——枝形吊灯吱吱呀呀地摇曳着,天花板和晃动的油画里喷出阵阵烟雾。

5.Ruth returned to her husband , while Malenute Kid cut up the warm body of one dog, the skull of which had been crushed by the ax .露丝回到她丈夫身边,麦尔缪特·基德就去把一条身体还热的死狗的肉割下来,它的脑骨已经给斧头劈碎了。

6.Brachiosaurus nostrils, pke the huge corresponding nasal openings in its skull, were long thought to be located on the top of the head.腕龙的鼻孔,因其头颅骨上相对的鼻部孔洞,而长久而来都被认为是在其头顶。

7.Chandler: Again, let's journey back. . . As I recall what Rachel said, was she had never notice the shape of your skull before.再来,让我们回到旅途中……我记得Rachel说的是,她以前从没注意过你的头骨的形状。

8.She was taken to the Skull Island, where she was caught by the aboriginals, who want to sacrifice her to King Kong, a gorilla.她被带到了骷髅岛,随后被土著人抓去,他们要用她给大猩猩金刚献祭。

9.Make small circles with nose, trying to make motion come from only the very upper part of neck at the base of the skull.围着鼻子做微小的转动,试着让动作仅来自颈部上半部分靠近颅骨的位置。

10.One shows a man whose bloody skull has been hacked into as if by an axe, to show that cigarettes increase the risk of stroke.其中一张图上是一个男人血淋淋的头颅,像是被斧头劈开的,为的是说明香烟会增加中风的几率。