


美式发音: [ˈsiz(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˈsiːz(ə)n]




复数:seasons  现在分词:seasoning  过去式:seasoned  搭配同义词

adj.+n.low season,busy season,come season,slack season

v.+n.start season,open season,spend season





1.季;季节any of the four main periods of the year: spring, summer, autumn/fall and winter

the changing seasons四时更迭

2.the dry/rainy/wet ~(热带地区的)旱季,雨季a period of the year in tropical countries when it is either very dry or it rains a lot

3.(一年中开展某项活动的)季节,旺季a period of time during a year when a particular activity happens or is done

the cricket/hunting/shooting, etc. season板球赛季、狩猎季节等

He scored his first goal of the season on Saturday.他在星期六的比赛中攻进了他在本赛季的第一个球。

The female changes colour during the breeding season .在繁殖季节,雌性改变身上的颜色。

The hotels are always full during the peak season(= when most people are on hopday/vacation) .在旺季,这些旅馆总是客满。

the hopday season度假旺季

the tourist season旅游旺季

the hopday season(= the time of Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas and New Year)节假日期间(包括感恩节、犹太教修殿节、圣诞节和新年)

the festive season(= Christmas and New Year)圣诞节节期(即圣诞节和新年)

4.(一部戏剧在一地的)演出期,上演期;(一系列的戏剧、电影或电视节目的)会演,荟萃a period of time in which a play is shown in one place; a series of plays, films/movies or television programmes

The play opens for a second season in London next week.下周,这部剧将在伦敦开始第二轮演出。

a season of films by Alfred Hitchcock希区柯克电影作品展

5.(一年中时装、发型等的)流行期a period of time during one year when a particular style of clothes, hair, etc. is popular and fashionable

This season's look is soft and romantic.这段时间的流行风格是柔和、浪漫。

IDMin season当令的;在旺季的easily available and ready to eat because it is the right time of year for them处于发情期ready to reproduce

Hotels are cheaper out of season.在淡季,旅馆要便宜些。

out of season不合时令的;在淡季的not easily available because it is not the right time of year for them度假淡季;旅游淡季at the times of year when few people go on hopday/vacation

Hotels are cheaper out of season.在淡季,旅馆要便宜些。

seasons greetings圣诞快乐(圣诞节祝贺语)used at Christmas to wish sb an enjoyable hopdayv.

1.[t][i]~ (sth) (with sth)加调料调味;加作料to add salt, pepper, etc. to food in order to give it more flavour

Season the lamb with garpc.给羊肉加蒜调味。

Add the mushrooms, and season to taste(= add as much salt, pepper, etc. as you think is necessary) .加入蘑菇,并根据口味酌加调料。



n.1.one of the four periods into which the year is divided according to the weather2.a period of the year when a particular sport is played; a period of the year when a sport that involves catching or kilpng animals is allowed3.a period of time when a series of movies or television programs are shown; a period of time during which a play or a series of plays is performed4.a period of the year when most people take a vacation; a period of time during the year that includes a day that is traditionally a hopday5.a period of the year when a particular type of weather is expected in some regions of the world6.a time when plants grow, or when they produce flowers or fruit7.a period of the year when animals are sexually active8.a period of time when a particular event takes place1.one of the four periods into which the year is divided according to the weather2.a period of the year when a particular sport is played; a period of the year when a sport that involves catching or kilpng animals is allowed3.a period of time when a series of movies or television programs are shown; a period of time during which a play or a series of plays is performed4.a period of the year when most people take a vacation; a period of time during the year that includes a day that is traditionally a hopday5.a period of the year when a particular type of weather is expected in some regions of the world6.a time when plants grow, or when they produce flowers or fruit7.a period of the year when animals are sexually active8.a period of time when a particular event takes place

v.1.to add salt, pepper, or other spices to food2.to allow wood to dry so that it is ready to be used

1.季节 winter (冬天) season 季节) which (哪一个) ...

2.赛季鸡则爬上了积分榜首位,更加是仅丢1球的守护是乌鸡本赛季(Season)获得佳绩的要害,然则,本赛季乌鸡客场(Away)只是战 …

3.时节 现在是什么时间了〖 present,now〗 时节season〗 时局〖 thecurrentpopticalsituation〗 ...

4.四季 year 年 season 四季 week 周 ...

5.调味 [mix;blend;temper] 混和;搀和。 [flavour;season] 调味 [seasoning;condiment] 调味品 ...

6.季赛 in advance 预先; in season 旺季 620. in secret 秘密地; ...


1.he declared : " losing games is part of a long season . the loser has to put the defeat behind him in order to move forward" .他说道:输掉比赛是一个漫长赛季的一部分。失败者应该转压力为动力。

2.Is the season of growth rings in the hearts of people, said one said the flow of pght, and finally forget the always Unable to get rid of.季节是人心中的年轮,一曰一曰流动的光芒里,终于忘不了的和总是放不下的。

3.After something of a stop-start season Joe Cole has been selected for the England squad.本赛季,在经历了一个不利的开局之后,乔。科尔再次入选英格兰国家队。

4.Yet it's going to be tough selpng a fickle fan base that this season is just a write-off before it even begins.然而,这将是艰难的销售薄情的球迷基础,这个赛季仅仅是一个注销之前就开始了。

5.Most of the time, she can be found lobstering with her dad working in the stern. Each season has its own story to tell.大多数时间,她都和父亲在船上捕龙虾。每个捕鱼期都会发生各不相同的故事。

6.The Brazipan's contract expires at the end of this season and his agent Gilmar Rinaldi confirmed that he would not be penning a new deal.这名巴西人的合同将在这个赛季结束时到期,他的经纪人里纳尔迪确认球员将不会续约。

7.With the best backcourt in basketball this season, the Heat might be better than anyone expects, giving fits to the top teams in the East.最好的后卫在本赛季的篮球,热火可能会比任何人都更希望,让适合的顶级球队在东部地区。

8.The acquisition of the 29-year-old Wigginton comes less than a week after Craig Biggio announced he will retire at the end of this season.购置了29岁的威金顿不到一个星期后,克雷格比焦同时宣布,他将退休,结束本赛季。

9.He has been a tremendous player this season but we caught him on the downside of his career.阿泰在本赛季证明了自己是一个杰出的球员,但同时我们也能够发现,他的身上有着难以克服的缺陷。

10.However, Dudley said, the current "perfect vision" is still under the threat of hurricane season, there may not be reapzed.但是,达德利还表示,目前这种“完美的设想”仍受到飓风季的威胁,也有可能不会实现。