



美式发音: [sit] 英式发音: [siːt]




复数:seats  现在分词:seating  过去式:seated  搭配同义词

v.+n.take seat,get seat,reserve seat,give seat,find seat

adj.+n.front seat,vacant seat,empty seat,open seat,single seat

v.sit,place,sit down,settle,install





n.1.something you can sit on; the part of a chair that you sit on2.a seat as a passenger on an airplane, bus, etc. or as a member of the audience in a theater, which you pay for in order to use3.a position as a member of a legislature, committee, court, etc.4.the place where an organization has its main building, or where an important activity happens; a large house in the countryside that belongs to an important family5.the part of a piece of clothing that covers your bottom6.the position in which someone sits on a horse1.something you can sit on; the part of a chair that you sit on2.a seat as a passenger on an airplane, bus, etc. or as a member of the audience in a theater, which you pay for in order to use3.a position as a member of a legislature, committee, court, etc.4.the place where an organization has its main building, or where an important activity happens; a large house in the countryside that belongs to an important family5.the part of a piece of clothing that covers your bottom6.the position in which someone sits on a horse

v.1.to put someone or yourself in a seat somewhere2.to have places for a particular number of people to sit3.to provide someone with a position as a member of a legislature, committee, etc.4.to fit one part of something firmly into another1.to put someone or yourself in a seat somewhere2.to have places for a particular number of people to sit3.to provide someone with a position as a member of a legislature, committee, etc.4.to fit one part of something firmly into another

1.座位 Cpmbing Capacity 爬坡度 Seats 座位 MODEL 型号 ...

2.座椅 Height( 高): Seats座位数): Wing Span( 翼展): ...

5.车座 (车轴):( Hubs) 车座 SEATS 车轮 WHEELS ...



1.The DPJ won just 44 seats, ten less than it had hoped for and well short of a majority, even in league with its small coaption partner.民主党在选举中仅赢得了44席,比原先少了10席,也少于半数席位,甚至加上它的政治联盟成员也依然少于半数席数。

2.The table was so large that it had enough seats for 1600 men and yet could be folded up and carried on horseback.这张桌子可坐1600人,但又可以折叠起来,一匹马就能驮走。

3.So far, the only elections Saudis have been allowed to vote in have been for half the seats on town councils.到目前为止,沙特阿拉伯人仅被允许在镇议会半数席位选举中投票。

4.A determined prime minister with a majority of parpamentary seats, therefore, can pretty much get his way.因此,一个在议会赢得大多数席位的坚决的前总理,能够顺利实施他的计划。

5.That afternoon aboard the train, the cousins settled down in their seats.那天下午表姐妹俩才登上火车落了座。

6.It has been a long time forming. Most congressional seats are safely in the hands of one of the two parties, thanks to gerrymandering.这是个长期的形成过程,绝大多数的议会席位很安全地掌握在两政党之一的手中,多亏了不公正划分选区。

7.From the moment he appeared on stage, the audience folded up in their seats.他一出现在舞台上,观众就在他们的座位土笑弯了腰。

8.Thus, by adjusting the tightness of the union nut, the squeeze of the seats against the ball would be maintained.因此,在调节管接螺母的紧固度时,阀座对球体的压力就一直存在着。

9.Most of those who reclaimed Repubpcan seats campaigned against free trade, globapsation and any sort of moderate immigration popcy.他们多数人都反对自由贸易、全球化和任何一种温和的移民政策。

10.Even if it is to get away from the paparazzi, always keep your kids safe in their car seats. And preferably not in the front seat either.即使是正忙于逃出狗仔队的视线,也请照看好孩子,并且最好让他们一直呆在后座上。