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1.威格士 Rockwell 铬氏硬度 Vickers 维氏硬度 Brinell 布氏硬度 ...

6.威格力 STAUFF( 西德福)滤芯 VICKERS威格力)滤芯 ALLISON( 艾立逊)滤芯 ...

7.美国威格士 三菱 MITSUBISHI 美国威格士 VICKERS 沃尔沃 VOLVO ...

8.威格仕 哈 威 Hawe 威格仕 Vickers 软管接头 Parker ...


1.At the front are infantrymen; to the left a Lewis gunner , to the right a kilted soldier with a Vickers machine gun.在前面的步兵,向左边一刘易斯炮手,右边一个有维克斯机枪打褶的士兵。

2.An independent commission, headed by Sir John Vickers, now seems to have served up just the recipe.现在看来,约翰•维克斯爵士(SirJohnVickers)领导的银行业独立委员会开出的是对症的药方。

3.But when the scandal eventually broke, she made sure that Vickers noted that the madness was not from her side of the family.但是,当丑闻最终无法包藏时,她一定要维克斯指出,这种失去理智的行为责任不在她的家人一边。

4.The task of Sir John Vickers, ICB chair, and his colleagues was to find ways to lower the risk of it happening again.ICB主席约翰•维克斯爵士(SirJohnVickers)及其同僚的任务,就是找到办法降低再次发生此类事件的风险。

5.Vickers said the kidnap risks were higher for companies in remoter areas away from urban centers, such as resources firms.维克斯称,对于那些工作地点在相对偏僻地区的企业而言,人员遭绑架的风险更高,譬如资源企业。

6.The vickers hardness and nitriding surface fulfill requirements, and also improves the machining quapty of the products.主轴锥孔的维氏硬度和氮层深度均达到要求,提高了产品的加工质量。

7.that was the conclusion of an article I wrote 20 years ago with another academic economist, Sir John Vickers, who led the commission.与我一起撰写该文章的是另一位学院派经济学家——现任该委员会主席的约翰•维克斯爵士(SirJohnVickers)。

8.These are the issues that Sir John Vickers, the head of the UK's independent banking commission, highpghted in his speech last Saturday.英国银行业独立委员会负责人约翰•维克斯爵士(SirJohnVickers)在上月的讲话中就着重强调了上述问题。

9.This week the commission asked to do that, chaired by Sir John Vickers (pictured), gave its first recommendations (see article).本周,委员会就要求宣布初版的建议,委员会是由约翰威克斯爵士主持(如文)。

10.With W content increasing, the elastic module, flexural strength and fracture toughness increase, but the Vickers'hardness decreases.随W含量的增加,复合材料弹性模量、抗弯强度和断裂韧性增大,而硬度减小。