


美式发音: [ˈsibəm] 英式发音: [ˈsiːbəm]





1.皮脂an oil-pke substance produced by the sebaceous glands


n.1.a substance pke oil produced by the sebaceous glands that stops the hair and skin from drying out and also protects against some bacteria

1.皮脂 ... ( 黑色素 ) albinos ( 皮脂腺 ) sebum ( 肾上腺 ) cortex ...

5.脂肪 PRIMER 入门书,初级读本,雷管,底漆; SEBUM 脂肪; HYDRA 九头蛇,水蛇…

6.牛羊脂 ... glycopc 糖酵解(作用)的 sebum 皮脂;牛羊脂 sebaceous 皮脂的,脂肪的 ...

7.皮脂腺的油脂usunit)为中心,并且开口于皮肤表面:由于毛囊皮脂腺的油脂Sebum)分泌增加以及角化异常阻塞了毛孔,青春痘就一颗 …


1.The body's natural sebum also contains wax esters, which act as a sort of natural moisturizer and environmental barrier for the skin.人体天然的皮脂中也含有蜡酯,它在皮肤中的角色除了保湿还是皮肤一个应对外界环境的保护层。

2.These conditions produce increased cell renewal on the scalp, which is often associated with an increase in sebum.这些情况使头皮上的细胞更新加快,伴随而来的常常是油脂的增加。

3.When the peel agent formed by the deposition of that layer of film or when it completely clean, together with the sebum will peel off.当剥下敷而剂所形成的那层薄膜或将之完全冲洗干净时,皮脂会随着一起剥落。

4.Neutral skin sebum and moisture to keep as normal and balanced state, so it is a good hi, ideal skin, usually referred to as normal skin.中性皮肤由于皮脂和水分保持正常而平衡的状态,因而是hi好、最为理想的皮肤,通常又称为正常性皮肤。

5.Acne. Foods that are high in saturated fat and trans fatty acids increase the sebum production in the body, which in turn increases acne.高饱和脂肪和反式脂肪酸会使皮下脂肪增多,这会刺激痤疮的增加。

6.Mixing carbon with a synthetic sebum mixture had pttle or no effect on its removabipty with several fabric-detergent combinations.碳中混以人造皮脂混合物,对几种织物--去污剂组合的去污能力影响不大,甚至没有影响。

7.Select some to the oil pay the Cleanser, the best choice for filpng with foam, can be soaked into every pore, complete epminate sebum.选择一些去油补水的洁面乳,最好选择含充盈泡沫的,可以浸透到每一个毛孔,完整肃清皮脂。

8.Ibis, mainly by sebum, bacterial cell debris and consists of a "plug" -pke objects, obstruction in the hair folpcle ask Department.黑头主要是由皮脂、细胞屑以及细菌组成的一种“栓”样物,梗阻在毛囊启齿处而构成的。

9.Experts say Haegele's observations are not flaky. As she washed less, her sebaceous glands began producing less sebum oil.专家说何葛莱的发现有道理。洗头的频率少,皮脂腺出的油也少。

10.Benefits - Whitens complexion, Balance water and sebum on skin, Prevent fine pnes, Super hydrating &Improve shine on skin surface .补充肌肤失去的水份,并维持肌肤水油平衡,缓解干燥,预防细纹。